Coronavirus infection control (PDAs)

Lucy Davies made this Freedom of Information request to Royal Mail Group Limited
This authority is not subject to FOI law, so is not legally obliged to respond (details).
This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

The request was successful.

Dear Royal Mail Group Limited,

Given that scientific research ( indicates a survival rate of 9 days for Coronavirus on glass surfaces, I would like to know what steps you are taking to ensure that the screens of handheld PDA devices (which customers are asked to sign with a fingertip) do not become vectors of infection.

Yours faithfully,

Lucy Davies

FOI, Royal Mail Group Limited

Dear Lucy

Thank you for your enquiry. Following the flotation of Royal Mail on the London Stock Exchange in October 2013, it is no longer subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Royal Mail was previously subject to the Act because it was wholly owned by the government. However, now that the government has sold its shares in Royal Mail, this is no longer the case. Therefore, we are no longer obliged to respond to requests for information under the terms of the FOI Act.

Detailed information about our business is also available from

Specific information about Royal Mail's response to the Coronavirus outbreak can be found online at You will note that in order to protect both our people and customers as much as possible, we will not be handing over our hand-held devices to customers to capture signatures. Postmen and women will instead log the name of the person accepting the item. This will apply to all deliveries that require a signature.

Kind Regards

Daniel Tulp
Information Rights and Governance Officer
IRG Team - Sheffield

[email address]

Classified: RMG – Internal

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