Coronavirus equipment and consumables spending

The request was successful.

Dear Royal Central School of Speech and Drama,

I would like to make an FOI request for information on the financial cost of procuring new equipment and consumables in response to the global coronavirus pandemic.
In particular, information on the unit, quantity and total cost (or any two of the three if all three are not available) of:

1. Hand sanitiser and the dispensers/stands for hand sanitiser
2. Signs and floor decals (for example, directional and social distancing)
2. Custom-printed lanyards (compared with the typical cost for a standard intake)
3. Coronavirus ‘door handle’ opening key-rings
4. Face coverings, masks and gloves
4. Custom-branded masks and face coverings to be distributed to students and staff
6. ‘Zoom trolleys’ used for remote learning
7. Zoom or other digital learning platform charges taken up during the pandemic period (since March)

Yours faithfully,
James Brown

Dear Royal Central School of Speech and Drama,

Further to my request dated 21 September 2020, I am yet to receive a response. Can you please acknowledge receipt of my request and advise when I should expect a response.
As I’m sure you are aware, the Freedom of Information Act normally requires a prompt response, within 20 working days at the latest.

Yours faithfully,
James Brown

FOI, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

Dear James Brown,

Please find below the School’s response to your FOI request.

The information requested is published on the School's website:

Yours Sincerely,

Abigail Fitch-Hickson

Kind Regards,
Abigail Fitch-Hickson
Assistant Academic Registrar
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

For Vital Student Information and procedures relating to COVID-19 click here

The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
University of London
Eton Avenue
Main: +44 (0) 20 7722 8183 (Internal ext. 2572)

Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Instagram


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Dear FOI,

Perhaps you could guide me as I was unable to find the requested information on the page provided.

Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,
James Brown

FOI, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

Dear James Brown,

Please see below the School's response to your FOI request:

1.Hand sanitiser and the dispensers/stands for hand sanitiser
a.Hand Sanitising Dispenser - £172.24

2.Signs and floor decals (for example, directional and social distancing)
a. £262.66

3.Custom-printed lanyards (compared with the typical cost for a standard intake)

4.Coronavirus ‘door handle’ opening key-rings

5.Face coverings, masks and gloves
a.Face Coverings – £0
b.Face Masks - £0
c.Gloves - £1899

4. Custom-branded masks and face coverings to be distributed to students and staff

6.‘Zoom trolleys’ used for remote learning

7.Zoom or other digital learning platform charges taken up during the pandemic period (since March)

Kind Regards,
Abigail Fitch-Hickson
Assistant Academic Registrar
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

For Vital Student Information and procedures relating to COVID-19 click here

The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
University of London
Eton Avenue
Main: +44 (0) 20 7722 8183 (Internal ext. 2572)

Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Instagram


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FOI, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

Dear James Brown,

The School has responded to each of your FOI requests.

Yours Sincerely,

Abigail Fitch-Hickson

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FOI, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

Dear James Brown,

I have provided the information requested in a different format. I hope this is more accessible.

All Best,

Abigail Fitch-Hickson

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Dear Abigail,

That is very kind, my thanks.
Could you possibly clarify the spend on hand sanitiser dispensers? Am I correct in saying:
- £172.24 is the total spend on dispensers and stands
- £811.21 is the total spend on sanitiser

My thanks again. I hope you are well.

Yours sincerely,
James Brown

FOI, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

Dear James Brown,

Please find below the clarification requested:

- £172.24 - Cost of Dispensers and Stands

- £811.21 - Cost of Hand Sanitiser

Yours Sincerely,

Abigail Fitch-Hickson

Kind Regards,
Abigail Fitch-Hickson
Assistant Academic Registrar
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

For Vital Student Information and procedures relating to COVID-19 click here

The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
University of London
Eton Avenue
Main: +44 (0) 20 7722 8183 (Internal ext. 2572)

Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Instagram


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