Cornwall Road / Stamford Street SE1 PCNs

The request was successful.

Dear Lambeth Council,

This request concerns the banned turn between Stamford Street and Cornwall Road SE1, enforced since April 2021.

For each week since enforcement began, please list:

i) the number of motor vehicles recorded as breaching the restriction

ii) the number of penalty charge notices issued

iii) the value of those notices

For each of the last three complete months, please list:

i) the total value of penalty charge notices issued

ii) the total amount received to date in respect of those notices

Please also indicate how many notices have been appealed in the last three months for which data is held, and the number of successful appeals.

Yours faithfully,

James Hatts

Yours faithfully,

James Hatts

Lambeth Council, Lambeth Borough Council

Information request
Our reference: IRN12870977
Your reference: [FOI #894801 email]


Dear James Hatts
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request for information that was received on 7
September 2022.
We are dealing with your request under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 and we aim to send a response by 5 October 2022.
In some case, a fee may be payable. If we decide a fee is payable, we will
send you a fee notice and we will require you to pay the fee before
proceeding with your request.
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 may restrict the release of some or
all of the information you have requested. We will carry out an assessment
and if any exemptions apply to some or all of the information then we
might not provide that information to you. We will inform you if this is
the case and advise you of your rights to request an internal review and
to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office.
We will also advise you if we cannot provide you with the information
requested for any other reason together with the reason(s) why and details
of how you may appeal (if appropriate).
Yours faithfully

Sharna Sanders
Customer service advisor
London Borough of Lambeth
Tel. 02079269694 
E-mail [1][email address
Website: [2]
PO Box 734
SO23 5DX 
Lambeth - a Co-operative Council
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Lambeth Council, Lambeth Borough Council

2 Attachments

Information request
Our reference: IRN12870977
Your reference: [FOI #894801 email]


Dear Sir / Madam
Thank you for your request for information received on 7 September 2022.
Please find attached our response to your request.
Yours faithfully
FOI Team 
London Borough of Lambeth
Website: [1]
Lambeth - a Co-operative Council
NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email.
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As a public body, the Council may be required to disclose this email (or
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Personal data we collect from you will be processed in accordance with
our [2]Privacy Notice.

Disclaimers apply - full details at [3]


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