Core Standards for EPRR ratings for Cambs & Peterborough Acute Trusts
Dear NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care Board
Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I am writing to request the numerical ratings of the following NHS acute Trusts against the NHS England Core Standards for Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response (EPRR) for 2021-22, excluding those standards that are part of the “Deep Dive”.
Please note that for each Trust I am requesting numerical records of the total number of Core Standards applicable, the number of Standards with which the Trust is fully compliant, the number of Standards with which the Trust is partially compliant and the number of Standards with which the Trust is non compliant.
This information should be readily available to the Board though the EPRR annual assurance process. I am requesting this information from the Board rather than the Trusts themselves because I would like the information held by the Board as part of the EPRR process.
I am requesting these numerical ratings for these Trusts:
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust
Yours faithfully
William Wetherell
Dear Mr Harrison
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 received 15 September 2022. NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care Board (ICB) will respond within twenty working days from this date.
Yours sincerely
Simon Barlow
Corporate Governance Manager
[email address]
Telephone: 03 300 571 030 Extension 2904
Internal CCG: Ext: 2904
FOI enquiries
[email address]
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS)
Gemini House, Bartholomews Walk, Cambridgeshire Business Park, Angel Drove, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4EA
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Dear Mr Wetherell
Please find attached the response to your recent Freedom of Information request.
Yours sincerely
Simon Barlow
Corporate Governance Manager
[email address]
Telephone: 03 300 571 030 Extension 2904 Internal CCG: Ext: 2904
FOI enquiries
[email address]
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS) Gemini House, Bartholomews Walk, Cambridgeshire Business Park, Angel Drove, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4EA
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