Dear The Association of Ambulance Chief Executives,

These requests are in relation to the:- ‘NASMeD Best Practice guidance. Conveyance of
children by operational ambulance clinicians in face-to-face settings, July 2021.’

1. Are you able to provide a copy of the original letter received from RCPCH from June
2. Do you have a copy of the agenda, notes taken or minutes from the workshop in July
2020 involving ambulance trust paediatric leads.
3. Two statements are made as the underlying reasons for caution around a decision
not to convey a younger child to hospital. 1. Significant illness and injury can be
harder to diagnose in very young children, 2. Underlying safeguarding issues can
often be equally difficult to appreciate initially. Can you advise what research and
data was used to make these two statements?
4. Provide any agenda, notes taken or minutes from meetings between the
Intercollegiate Committee for Standards for Children and Young People in
Emergency Care Settings and the National Ambulance Service Medical Directors
group relating to the conveyance of children to hospital.

Yours faithfully,

John Anthony

Steve Irving, The Association of Ambulance Chief Executives

Dear Mr Anthony

It has been established by the Information Commissioner’s Office that AACE is not a public authority for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act and that therefore it is under no obligation to respond to freedom of information requests.


Steve Irving

Executive Officer / ALF Conference Lead
Association of Ambulance Chief Executives
[mobile number]; [AACE request email]
PLEASE NOTE: I Work Part Time – primarily between Monday & Thursday

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