Contractual leave

Waiting for an internal review by Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust of their handling of this request.

Dear Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust,

How many staff failed to take their full contractual annual leave in 2014, 2015 annual leave year?
How many hours annual leave did the trust not carry forward into the 2015, 2016 annual leave year?
How many hours annual leave did the trust carry forward into the 2015, 2016 annual leave year?

Yours faithfully,

Mr T Hartley

Good morning

FOI Ref: 2015-166

Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act. We confirm that we will respond to this within 20 working days of the date of the request.

Issued by Yorkshire Ambulance Service

Executive Office

[Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust request email]

show quoted sections

Good Afternoon

In order to respond to your request, we require some clarification.

Can you please clarify the staff that your request refers to. Is it all staff that work for Yorkshire Ambulance Service?
If not can you please specify the types of staff you require this information for.

Please note that the 20 working days to respond to this request will start from when clarification is received.

Issued by Yorkshire Ambulance Service

Executive Office

[Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust request email]

show quoted sections

Mr T Hartley left an annotation ()

Please give the information for all staff. Show the information in table form any groups example paramedics, admin, managers etc

Dear Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust's handling of my FOI request 'Contractual leave'.
This is straight forward information for any organisation with adequate HR to provide. Please confirm either the information I have requested or that your HR is not fit for purpose and the professional bodies your HR staff are registered or associated to.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Mr T Hartley

Dear Mr Hartley

We contacted you on the 15 May 2015, seeking clarification to your request.

We asked that you specify the types of staff you require this information for. Your original question was vague, so we cannot be certain whether you require this information for frontline staff, all staff and for staff from another specific area.

We have yet to receive any clarification from yourself, and therefore the 20 working days to respond to this request has not commenced yet. As under the FOI Act once we seek clarification the time to respond does not start until we receive clarification.

If you would still like a response to this request please provide the clarification we have asked for and we will happily deal with this request.

Issued by Yorkshire Ambulance Service
Executive Office

[Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust request email]

show quoted sections

Mr T Hartley left an annotation ()

Please give the information requested it was clarified as all groups of staff.

Dear Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust's handling of my FOI request 'Contractual leave'.

You received a the below response on the 9th of June.

Please give the information for all staff. Show the information in table form any groups example paramedics, admin, managers etc.
The 20 days started then.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Mr T Hartley

Dear Mr Hartley.

Thank you for your clarification, this is the first time that this has come through to us.
We will now collate a response to this request and respond within 20 working days.

I have been on the What Do They Know Website this morning, and noticed that you provided an annotation to the request on the 9 June. Please note that annotations do not get emailed through to us, and we do not proactively check the website for annotations. Therefore if you make requests in the future and are asked for clarification please keep this in mind.

Issued by Yorkshire Ambulance Service

Executive Office

[Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust request email]

show quoted sections

1 Attachment

Good morning

In reply to your request for information under the FOI Act, please find enclosed with this email the Trust's response.

Issued by Yorkshire Ambulance Service
Executive Office

[Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust request email]

show quoted sections

Dear Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust's handling of my FOI request 'Contractual leave

This information is already available and will not exceed 18 hours to supply it. I accept had it not already been done the 18 hour ruling would apply.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Mr T Hartley

Good morning

Ref: IR 2015-166

Thank you for your request for an internal review under the Freedom of Information Act. We confirm that we will respond to this within the statutory working days of the date of the request.

Issued by Yorkshire Ambulance Service

Executive Office

[Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust request email]

show quoted sections

Good morning

The member of staff who is currently dealing with your request for an internal review, would like some clarification.

Can you please confirm whether your request is referring to all staff or A&E only?

Issued by Yorkshire Ambulance Service

Executive Office

[Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust request email]

show quoted sections

Dear FOI,
All A&E and all Patient transport

Yours sincerely,

Mr T Hartley

1 Attachment

Good afternoon

In reply to your request for information under the FOI Act, please find enclosed with this email the Trust's response.

Issued by Yorkshire Ambulance Service
Executive Office

[Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust request email]

show quoted sections

Dear Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust's handling of my FOI request 'Contractual leave'.
As you have answered question 3 I do not accept your rational for applying the 18 hour excuse.
Answer the questions or I will be left with no choice other than to report YAS to the information commission and the CQC.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Mr T Hartley

Dear Mr Hartley

We are sorry to hear that you are unhappy with our response, we have provided all the information possible without exceeding the 18 hour limit. Under the FOI Act the 18 hour limit applies to the whole request and can also collate similar requests together from the same requestor within a 60 day period. it is not 18 hours to collate each part of an request. Without the request for question three, the remainder of the request would still exceed the 18 hour limit, therefore taking the time to collate the answers to question three into account, the remainder of the request would well exceed the limit. The reason that we are able to provide the response for question three is because under the FOI Act we are required to respond to as much of the request as possible without exceed the 18 hour limit. If we received a request where each part would take less than 18 hours to collate individually but would exceed the 18 hour limit collectively. We would seek clarification from the requestor to which part of the request they would like the response for. However with this request that is not the case, the part of the request exempt under Section 12 of the FOI Act would exceed the 18 hour limit on its own. We therefore provided as much of the request as we could without exceed the time limit. Below is an explanation to why question three does not take more than 18 hours to collate and why the remainder of the request does take more than 18 hours to collate.

The reason that we can provide the information for question three is because this information is recorded centrally, the reason for this is because staff have to request to carry annual leave forward. Also the annual leave card will need to be updated with the number of days and hours a member of staff is entitled to for the following year. However just because we record the number of hours carried forward centrally does not mean we do the dame for the number of hours untaken and not carried forward. As stated in our previous two responses we do not hold this information centrally. In order to collate this information for all staff would require speaking to every line manager in the organisation and them liaising with all their staff to find out how much annual leave each of them had lost in the previous year. This would be a huge task and would well exceed the 18 hour limit. Also if limiting the data to A&E and Patient Transport Staff, although we do hold information regarding their annual leave centrally, the report does not have a field for annual leave lost from it being untaken and not carried forward. This would therefore require running a report for each Clinical Business Unit for both A&E and Patient Transport staff, to find out how many staff had not taken their full annual leave entitlement. Then it would require determining how many of those staff had carried annual leave forward and filtering them from the report. Once this has been done the remaining time would have to be added up to be able to provide a total. This would therefore also require a lot of would and with the number of staff in A&E and Patient Transport would well exceed the 18 hour limit.

Issued by Yorkshire Ambulance Service
Executive Office

[Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust request email]

show quoted sections

Dear FOI,
You will now be reported to the information commission.

Yours sincerely,

Mr T Hartley