Contracts awarded over the last 4 years

The request was partially successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am interested in the amount of contracts that have been issued to third parties by the LSC over the last four years. Please could you provide me with a breakdown of all contracts that have been awarded during this period that are in excess of £300,000. For each, please could you provide me with the name & value of the contract, the start and end dates (including any options to extend), and to whom the contract was awarded.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Lewis

Bailey Russel, Learning and Skills Council

Dear Chris Lewis

Thank you for your request for information which has been received by the
Learning and Skills Council (LSC) today.

You have requested:

"A breakdown of all contracts that have been awarded [by the LSC to third
parties over the last four years] that are in excess of £300,000. For
each, please could you provide me with the name & value of the contract,
the start and end dates (including any options to extend), and to whom the
contract was awarded."

The LSC considers it holds information about contracts it awards to third
parties.  It will therefore undertake a search to identify what recorded
information it holds within the scope of your request.  An initial
assessment suggests that this information will be held in more than one
location and therefore it is likely to require a cost to identify, locate,
extract and retrieve information requested.  If the LSC estimates the
cost is likely to exceed the appropriate cost limit (which for the LSC is
£450) it will advise you and seek to accommodate as much of your request
as possible within the cost limit for the activities described above.

The LSC will provide a full response within 20 working days as required
under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

show quoted sections

Bailey Russel, Learning and Skills Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Lewis

Please find attached the LSC's response to your request for information.

show quoted sections