Contracts awarded in the last 5 years

The request was successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am interested in the amount of contracts that have been issued to third parties by the GTCE over the last five years. Please could you provide me with a breakdown of all contracts that have been awarded during this period that are in excess of £300,000. For each, please could you provide me with the name & value of the contract, the start and end dates (including any options to extend), and to whom the contract was awarded.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Lewis

Stephen Goldsby, General Teaching Council for England

Dear Mr Lewis,

This e-mail is being sent to you as a formal response to both your Freedom
of Information requests dated 30 September 2009.

Below is a list of contracts all of which fall within the scope of your
request. When considering this response, please take into account the
following facts:

1. None of the contracts listed below contained a specific total
financial value.
2. During the lifetime of each single contract on the list, the GTC has
been invoiced for more than £300,000.
3. All contracts were awarded as a result of an appropriate procurement
process being carried out, based upon the estimated value of the

Information is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 if disclosure would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial
interests of any person, including the GTC.

The GTC is not obliged to confirm whether it holds information if to do so
would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of any
person, including the GTC.

Supplier Name Service Total of invoices Start date End date
paid over last
five years in
relation to a
single contract
Access Plus Printing
Marketing 2,507,915.73
Services Ltd 01/05/2006 31/03/2009
Friends First Rent - Birmingham 01/10/2004
Managed Pension Office 2,145,148.90
Funds 30/09/2019
Field Fisher Legal services 01/04/2008
Waterhouse 1,077,592.12 31/03/2010
Mott MacDonald TLA services and 01/08/2008 01/08/2011
administration 836,567.85
E A Shaw Service charges - 01/09/2004
Chartered London 924,397.23
Surveyors 31/08/2014
Anderson Norton Design services 01/04/2008
Design 584,506.62 31/03/2011
Müller Rent - London 01/09/2004
International Office 563,265.64
(Rent A/C) 31/08/2014
Bell Design TLA marketing 01/08/2008 01/08/2011
strategy and 425,037.83
Victoria Service charges - 01/10/2004
Birmingham Ltd Birmingham 383,324.05 30/09/2019

One of your requests was specifically in relation to the Teacher Learning
Academy. The figure quoted above, of £836,567.85 paid to Mott MacDonald
is essentially a subsidy. This was paid to assist the company in the
development and implementation of the IT system needed to support the
commercial venture which they were contracted to run. The GTC does not
actually pay Mott MacDonald to manage the venture.

The procurement process for contracts of this size will typically start
around six months before the current contract ends.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if I can be of any further
assistance in relation to this matter.

Yours Sincerely

Stephen Goldsby

Data Protection Officer

Direct line: 0121 345 0137


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