Contracted security services
Dear The National Army Museum,
In relation to the National Army Museum's contract for the provision of security services and CCTV monitoring services. I am making a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please provide me with information on the following:
1. Please provide the most up to date meeting minutes for this contract.
2. Please provide a register of gifts and hospitality received by the National Army Museum.
3. Please provide the name of the contractors who expressed an interest in this contract the last time it was up for renewal.
4. Please note the contractors who expressed an interest but did not make a submission.
5. Please indicate what stage of the process those who submitted a bid got to (disqualified or shortlisted).
6. In the event of any disqualifications please explain why.
7. During the course of the renewal process did the incumbent contractors receive a contract extension (beyond contractually formalised extensions) to allow for the bidding process?
8. Were any complaints registered from non-winning bidders?
9. Did any of the incumbent contractors retain the contract if so please state whom.
10. If incumbent contractors retained the contract how long overall have they worked for the National Army Museum?
11. Please state the current contract value.
12. Please provide the name|s| of the National Army Museum's operational personnel for the contract.
13. Please provide the names of the evaluators.
Yours faithfully,
Claire Taylor
Dear Ms Taylor
Thank you for your email of 20 October regarding information about the
National Army Museum’s contracted security services. I would like to
apologise for the amount of time that it has taken to reply to your
Please see below for the requested information:
1. Please provide the most up to date meeting minutes for this contract.
This information is regarded as exempt under Section 38 of the Freedom of
Information Act. Disclosure of the latest minutes of meetings between NAM
and the security contractors would be of little public interest but could
endanger both the museum staff, security contractors, building and local
community by compromising current security.
2. Please provide a register of gifts and hospitality received by the
National Army Museum.
Please see attached sheet.
3. Please provide the name of the contractors who expressed an interest
in this contract the last time it was up for renewal.
Axis Security
Profile Security Service Ltd
CIS Security
STM Group
Exclusec Security Solutions Ltd
H&M Security
M.A.N. Commercial Protection Ltd
TC Security Services
Klear Rock International Ltd
Gallowglass Security Partners LLP
Montague Parr Ltd
British Military Security Ltd
Kingdom Security Ltd
Carlisle Security Services Ltd
Emprise Services PLC
Corps Security
LeisureSec PLC
Broadland Guarding Services Ltd
Duval Security Ltd
Integrated Security Consultants Ltd
Cordant Security Ltd
Sentinal Group Security Ltd
All Time Security
Magenta Security Services Ltd
1SC Guarding Ltd
Servest Security Services Ltd
Vistech Services Ltd
Darden Security
Securitas Security Services
SGC Security
Hart Security
Manpower Direct UK Ltd
KM Security Solutions
Vigilant Security Services Ltd
Citiguar Security Ltd
Servoca Secure Solutions
Croma Vigilant
The SES Group
4. Please note the contractors who expressed an interest but did not make
a submission.
5. Please indicate what stage of the process those who submitted a bid
got to (disqualified or shortlisted).
The following contractors were Invited To Tender:
STM Group
Carlisle Security Services Ltd
Corps Security
Croma Vigilant
6. In the event of any disqualifications please explain why.
7. During the course of the renewal process did the incumbent contractors
receive a contract extension (beyond contractually formalised extensions)
to allow for the bidding process?
8. Were any complaints registered from non-winning bidders?
9. Did any of the incumbent contractors retain the contract if so please
state whom.
10. If incumbent contractors retained the contract how long overall have
they worked for the National Army Museum?
11. Please state the current contract value.
£505,280.47 per annum or £507,28.47
12. Please provide the name|s| of the National Army Museum's operational
personnel for the contract.
Facilities Dept – [1][email address]
13. Please provide the names of the evaluators.
This information is regarded as exempt under the Data Protection Act
If you are unhappy with the way the National Army Museum has handled your
request you are entitled to ask for an internal review of its handling
within two months of the date of this reply. If you wish to make a
complaint please contact Mike O’Connor, Museum Director, National Army
Museum, Royal Hospital Road, Chelsea, London, SW3
4HT [2][email address]. If you are not content with the outcome of the
internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information
Commissioner for a decision. Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe
House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely
Penny Hutchins
Records Officer
National Army Museum
Royal Hospital Road
[3][email address]
020 7881 2442
Visible links
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2. mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:[email address]
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