Contracted printing devices & software

This request has been withdrawn by the person who made it. There may be an explanation in the correspondence below.

Dear Flimby Primary School, Maryport,

• Who is your print and copier supplier
• How many devices do the organisation use
• Do you have print software and if so which one
• When is your print copier contract expiring.
• Who at the organisation manages your print contract

Yours faithfully,

Gaz Jack

Dear Flimby Primary School, Maryport,
Please could I have a reply to my FOI request
• Who is your print and copier supplier
• How many devices do the organisation use
• Do you have print software and if so which one
• When is your print copier contract expiring.
• Who at the organisation manages your print contract

Yours faithfully,

Gaz Jack

Dear Flimby Primary School, Maryport,

I wish to withdraw the request

Yours faithfully,

Gaz Jack