Contracted Printing Devices and Software

This request has been withdrawn by the person who made it. There may be an explanation in the correspondence below.

Dear Abbey Road Primary School, Nottingham,

• Who is your print and copier supplier
• How many devices do the organisation use
• Do you have print software and if so which one
• When is your print copier contract expiring.
• Who at the organisation manages your print contract

Yours faithfully,

Gaz Jack

You have sent to an old address which is not monitored. Please resend to Thank you.

Sent request to Abbey Road Primary School, Nottingham again, using a new contact address.

Dear Abbey Road Primary School, Nottingham,

Please could I have a reply to my FOI request
• Who is your print and copier supplier
• How many devices do the organisation use
• Do you have print software and if so which one
• When is your print copier contract expiring.
• Who at the organisation manages your print contract

Yours faithfully,

Gaz Jack

Dear Abbey Road Primary School, Nottingham,

I wish to withdraw the request

Yours faithfully,

Gaz Jack