Contingency planning, hindered access to Oxford's main road

Richard Parnham made this Freedom of Information request to Oxfordshire County Council Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was successful.

Dear Oxfordshire County Council,

In recent months, there have been numerous examples of situations where vehicular access to Oxford's main roads has been severely limited (or prohibited) due to unscheduled roadworks, major incidents etc. Several of these have occurred on the boundary roads of Oxford's recently installed LTNs, in both Cowley and East Oxford. Since the installation of the LTNs, the ability of many Oxford residents in LTN areas to access their homes via car has been severely restricted, due to the positioning of the LTN barriers and ANPR cameras.

Given that disruption of the main roads around the Cowley and East Oxford LTNs seems to be a semi-regular occurrence, I would like to know what contingency planning Oxfordshire County Council now has in place, to ensure residents in LTN areas can still access their homes by car when the main roads near them are disrupted for any significant length of time (i.e. more than a hour or so).

With that in mind, please provide me with:
a) any contingency plan / policy, which sets out the circumstances in which the LTN barriers will be removed and / or the LTN ANPR cameras disabled, in the event of a nearby main road disruption. I am particularly keen to learn about the evaluation criteria for LTN road opening, the process for approving, and who - specifically - has final sign off.
b) on a related point, any OCC maintained "log" of LTN road opening requests: ideally, this log would set out when the road opening request was made, where, for what reason , the outcome of the decision, and the duration of the road opening (start to finish).

If neither of these document sets are available, please confirm this.

If discussions are ongoing regarding the creation of any such policies and / or logs, please provide me with the text of any such discussions currently taking place.

Yours faithfully,

Richard Parnham

FOI Team, Oxfordshire County Council

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Kind regards

FOI Team

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FOI - E&E, Oxfordshire County Council

Dear Mr Parnham,


Our reference: 22637 EIR


Thank you for your request under the Environmental Information Regulations
(2004) in which you asked for the following information:


In recent months, there have been numerous examples of situations where
vehicular access to Oxford's main roads has been severely limited (or
prohibited) due to unscheduled roadworks, major incidents etc. Several of
these have occurred on the boundary roads of Oxford's recently installed
LTNs, in both Cowley and East Oxford. Since the installation of the LTNs,
the ability of many Oxford residents in LTN areas to access their homes
via car has been severely restricted, due to the positioning of the LTN
barriers and ANPR cameras.


Given that disruption of the main roads around the Cowley and East Oxford
LTNs seems to be a semi-regular occurrence, I would like to know what
contingency planning Oxfordshire County Council now has in place, to
ensure residents in LTN areas can still access their homes by car when the
main roads near them are disrupted for any significant length of time
(i.e. more than a hour or so).


With that in mind, please provide me with:

a) any contingency plan / policy, which sets out the circumstances in
which the LTN barriers will be removed and / or the LTN ANPR cameras
disabled, in the event of a nearby main road disruption. I am particularly
keen to learn about the evaluation criteria for LTN road opening, the
process for approving, and who - specifically - has final sign off.

b) on a related point, any OCC maintained "log" of LTN road opening
requests: ideally, this log would set out when the road opening request
was made, where, for what reason , the outcome of the decision, and the
duration of the road opening (start to finish).


If neither of these document sets are available, please confirm this.


If discussions are ongoing regarding the creation of any such policies and
/ or logs, please provide me with the text of any such discussions
currently taking place.


We are writing to acknowledge your request. Your request has been logged
under reference 22637 EIR.


Your request is being considered and we aim to send your response by 05
January 2024 in accordance with the Legislation. However, if there are
circumstances where this is not possible, we will write to further inform
you of when you will expect to receive your response.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further enquiries
about your request, quoting your reference number above.


Kind regards


FOI Support Officer

Voice of the Customer Team

Oxfordshire County Council






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Oxfordshire County Council manages your personal information please see
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FOI - E&E, Oxfordshire County Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Parnham,


Please find attached our response to their Environmental Information


Kind Regards





Renata Malinowski

Freedom of Information Support Officer


Voice of the Customer Team

Customers and Organisational Development


Oxfordshire County Council

Email:  [1]FOI-E&[email address]





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Oxfordshire County Council. Council emails are subject to the Freedom of
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Oxfordshire County Council manages your personal information please see
our [4]Privacy Notice.


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1. mailto:FOI-E&[email address]

FOI - E&E, Oxfordshire County Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Parnham,


Please find attached our response to your Environmental Information


Kind Regards





Renata Malinowski

Freedom of Information Support Officer


Voice of the Customer Team

Customers and Organisational Development


Oxfordshire County Council

Email:  [1]FOI-E&[email address]





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If you have received it in error, please notify the sender by reply and
delete it immediately. Views expressed by the sender may not be those of
Oxfordshire County Council. Council emails are subject to the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. [3]email disclaimer. For information about how
Oxfordshire County Council manages your personal information please see
our [4]Privacy Notice.


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1. mailto:FOI-E&[email address]