Contents of ADIs' Pass Plus packs

The request was successful.

Dear Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency,

I would like to request a copy of the materials provided to ADIs providing Pass Plus training.

Please could you send me a copy of the instructor's guide, pupil's guide, and anything else contained inside the starter/refill packs which are sent to ADIs.

Thank you for your help.

Yours faithfully,

John Smith

Dear Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency,

Following on from my FOI request (sent on 16th December 2014), I would be very grateful if you could provide me with a reference number for that request.

Thank you very much for your help!

Yours faithfully,

John Smith

Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency

1 Attachment



  Information Access Team             T    0115 9366034

  The Axis Building F   0115 9366580

  112 Upper Parliament Street




Mr John Smith

By email: [FOI #244557 email]


Our ref: IA/00007/15


Date: 07 January 2015


Dear Mr Smith




Thank you for your email of 16 December 2014 requesting information about
materials provided to ADI’s providing Pass Plus training; we are dealing
with your request under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Your request was received by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency on 16
December 2014.  We will endeavour to provide you with a full response
within 20 working days after receipt of your request.


If you have any queries about this letter, please do not hesitate to
contact me on the details as above.  Please remember to quote the
reference number above in any future communications.


Yours sincerely






Linda Dempster

Information Access Team


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Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency

5 Attachments



  Information Access Team             T    0115 9366034

The Axis Building F    0115 9366580

112 Upper Parliament Street





Mr John Smith

By email: [FOI #244557 email]


Our ref: IA/00007/15


Date: 16 January 2015



Dear Mr Smith


Information requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FoIA)


Further to our email of 7 January 2015, I can confirm that we have handled
your request for information about pass plus learning materials within the
terms of the FoIA.


I attach at Annexes A to D the response to your request.


Please note that the starter pack contains an instructor guide (Annex A),
10 pupil guides (Annex B), 10 progress report forms (Annex C) and a list
of participating insurers and agents (Annex D).   Packs are available to
registered pass plus approved driving instructor (ADIs) at a cost of £37. 
The refill pack contents are identical to the starter pack but exclude the
instructor guide and they are available at the cost of £27.


You can find more information about pass plus on our website at


If you are unhappy with the way we have handled your request, you should
ask for an internal review by contacting Alison Wilson, Information
Compliance Manager, at the above address.



Yours sincerely




Information Access Team


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