Contempt of Court submissions

The request was successful.

Dear Criminal Procedure Rules Committee,

MOJ have today informed me that on 14 October 2014 I misdirected my request for information under the FOI Act; that the Criminal Procedure Rules Committee is the relevant public authority to handle it.

The request in the original is set out here:

MOJ's response is available here:

MOJ write: " However, I have spoken to their secretariat and they propose to handle your request outside of the Act and will be in touch with a response in due course".

MOJ did not consult with me as to what my preference would be in terms of handling this request. Notwithstanding MOJ's attempts at trying to be helpful I should prefer that the Committee process my request under the Act.

Thank you for your co-operation. I shall look forward to your response via this site in due course.

Yours faithfully,

E. Colville

Criminal Procedure Rule Enquiries, Criminal Procedure Rule Committee

3 Attachments

  • Attachment

    CrimPRC 10 49 Analysis of responses to Invitation to Comment on revised Part 62 Contempt.doc

    203K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    CrimPRC 10 49 a annotated draft rules with Invitation to Comment on revised Part 62 Contempt.doc

    150K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    Draft minutes of CrimPRC meeting on 8 October 2010.doc

    70K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Colville,

Thank you for your message. I am the secretary to the Criminal Procedure Rule Committee.

I attach a copy of the Committee paper which reported the responses to the invitation to comment on what was then a draft of the rules now in Part 62 of the Criminal Procedure Rules, and which identified the questions arising in consequence. I attach also a copy of the minutes of the meeting at which that paper was considered.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Yours sincerely,
Jonathan Solly

Jonathan Solly | Criminal Procedure Rule Committee secretariat | Ministry of Justice | 102 Petty France | London | SW1H 9AJ | Tel: 020 3334 4031

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