Contact Details for “Love Cambridge” Board Members
Could you please release contact details for the residents’ representative and independent retailer representative on the board of the new city centre management partnership - “Love Cambridge”.
Richard Taylor
Dear Richard,
Below are the email addresses for both the Resident and Independent
retailer representative on the new Love Cambridge board:
Resident representative - Nicola Morrison - [email address]
Independent Retailer representative - John Carter
-[email address]
With Kind Regards
To: <[email address]>
Date: 03/03/2009 13:46
Subject: RE: Nicky Morrison application for Board member
Emma Thornton
Head of Tourism and City Centre Management
The Visitor Information Centre
The Old Library
Wheeler St
Tel 01223 457446
[mobile number]
email: [email address]
28/03/2009 20:05 >>>
Could you please release contact details for the residents’
representative and independent retailer representative on the
of the new city centre management partnership - “Love
Richard Taylor
Alex Skene left an annotation ()
Email addresses are:
Resident representative - Nicola Morrison
nicolamorrison at hotmail dot com
Independent Retailer representative - John Carter
john.carter47 at ntlworld dot com
Francis Irving left an annotation ()
Blog post where Richard Taylor raises lack of contact details on website at a Love Cambridge meeting.
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Richard Taylor left an annotation ()
At a recent council meeting I asked for these people to be identified: