Contact Centre management system
Dear Vale of White Horse District Council,
1. What Software Systems or Hardware are currently used by the Council (please identify each system if more than one is used) for:
- Contact Centres?
- Telephony?
- Privileged Access Management?
- Penetration Testing?
- Vulnerability Management scanning tools
2. When do the contracts expire for each software system?
3. Do you have any planned changes or upgrades of the software currently used? If so, when?
4. How many agents do you have on your contact centre and how many users on your telephony solution?
5. Who is the person responsible for the identified Software Systems? Please provide full name, title and contact information if possible.
Yours faithfully,
M. L. Wade
Dear M L Wade
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Vale of White Horse District Council on 9 November 2022
Please accept this email as confirmation that your request has been received and is being considered by the relevant department and that a response will be sent to you within 20 working days, subject to the information not being exempt and subject to any need for clarification.
The deadline for this will be 8 December 2022
The reference number for this request is Vale 22/946
I trust that this email is sufficient to assure you that your request is being dealt with. However, should you have any queries in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the FOI team at [Vale of White Horse District Council request email]
Kind regards
Information Governance Team
Legal & Democratic Services
Vale of White Horse District Council
We’ve moved – our address is now:
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE
Please update your records.
To find out more about how the council holds, uses and stores your personal data, please click on the link below
Vale of White Horse District Council
Dear M L Wade
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was logged under
FOI 22/946 VALE and passed to me to respond accordingly.
Under Section 1 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the 2000 Act) you
are entitled to be informed in writing whether the council holds the
information specified in your request and, if that is the case, to have
that information communicated to you unless any of the statutory
exemptions apply. I have considered your request and can confirm we do
hold some of the information asked and I do not believe any of the
statutory exemptions apply to your request. Please find below the
information you requested (where available):
Software Do you
Systems or have any
Hardware planned
are When do the changes
currently contracts or Who is the person responsible for
used by the expire for upgrades the identified Software Systems?
Council each of the Please provide full name, title and
(please software software contact information if possible.
identify system? currently
each system used? If
if more so, when?
than one is
used) for
Netcall is This n/a Responsibility of Capita
used for contract is
our with Capita.
Switchboard The Capita
service contact
which is centre
currently supports
contracted more
out to councils
Contact Capita as than just
Centres? part of a Vale of
wider White Horse.
managed Therefore,
services we do not
contract hold this
The overall
contract is
set to end
Sept 2025
In house we Rostrvm is 2023 Customer Services - Mark Minion,
use Rostrvm being Head of Corporate Services,
telephone retired in [1][email address]
solution. Autumn 2023
so we will
be seeking
to procure
an in-house
solution in Capita managed services contract -
2023 Andrew Down, Commercial Director,
For [2][email address]
The The telephony
Telephony? telephone telephony - none
system is system is
based on part of the
Cisco overall
hardware Capita
and is contract
provided scheduled to
under a expire Sept
wider 2025
Privileged N/A N/A N/A N/A
Provided as Contract for N/A N/A
part of the managed
Penetration outsourced services is
Testing? managed set to end
services Sept 2025
for IT
How many Switchboard Contract for N/A Capita managed services contract -
agents do 1.7 FTE/In managed Andrew Down, Commercial Director,
you have on house services is [3][email address]
your telephony set to end
contact 10 licences Sept 2025
centre and 22 agents
how many on a rota
users on basis
your Cisco
telephony telephone
solution? platform -
Please treat this as the councils’ formal response under the 2000 Act. If
you are not satisfied with the decision I have made in response to your
request, you can make a request for an internal review by emailing
[4][Vale of White Horse District Council request email] within 40 working days from the day we issued
our response. If you remain dissatisfied after following that procedure,
you have the right under Section 50 of the 2000 Act to complain to the
Information Commissioner if you feel the council has not dealt with your
request properly. You can contact the Commissioner at Wycliffe House,
Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF (telephone number: 0303 123 1113).
You can also find further information at [5]
Kind regards
Information Governance Team
Legal & Democratic Services
Vale of White Horse District Council
Visit us at [6]
To find out more about how the council holds, uses and stores your
personal data, please click on the link below
[7]Vale of White Horse District Council
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