We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Philip Mansfield please sign in and let everyone know.

Contact Centre, CRM, and AI & Automation.

We're waiting for Philip Mansfield to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,

1. Contact Centre – target to organisations we know have a CC
a. Do you have a customer/ citizen facing contact centre? If not please skip these questions.
b. Do you employ and manage your own agents, or do you outsource to a third party? If you outsource who to?
c. How many contact centre agents do you have?
d. Do agents work from home? Or just your offices?
e. Please confirm the manufacturer of your contact centre system(s) that are currently in place?
f. When is your contract renewal date?
g. Who maintains your contact centre system(s)?

2. CRM
a. Do you use a CRM in the contact centre? What platform is used?
b. Do you use the same CRM for the rest of the organisation? What platform is used?
c. Do you use a knowledge base / knowledge management platform? What platform is used?

3. AI & Automation
a. Does your organisation have a customer or citizen facing chatbot? If so, who provides this chatbot technology?
b. Does your organisation utilise RPA technology? If so which RPA technology provider do you use?

Yours faithfully,

Scarlett Morley

oxford@infreemation.co.uk, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

[This is an automated acknowledgement of your request]

Thank you for contacting the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation

Your reference is F23-8577. Please keep a note of this reference if you
want to contact us about your request.

If you have submitted a request under either the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, your request
will be considered.

You should receive our response within the statutory time limit of 20
working days. Therefore, the deadline for providing a response to your
request is the 24/02/2023.

Your request may already be answered by our responses to previous requests
on our publication scheme. Our publication scheme can be found on this
webpage - [1]https://oxford.disclosure-log.co.uk/.

If you are looking for Trust expenditure information, this is available on
this webpage - [2]https://www.ouh.nhs.uk/about/foi/what-we....
This will list all expenditure payments of £25,000 or more by month.

For information about how the Trust processes personal data, or if you
want to make a request for personal data (including medical records),
please refer to our privacy notice - [3]http://www.ouh.nhs.uk/privacy/.

Kind regards

Freedom of Information Team
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
John Radcliffe Hospital
Headley Way


Visible links
1. https://oxford.disclosure-log.co.uk/
2. https://www.ouh.nhs.uk/about/foi/what-we...
3. http://www.ouh.nhs.uk/privacy/

oxford@infreemation.co.uk, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dear Philip Mansfield

The Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is writing to respond
to your request, F23-8577, sent 27/01/2023.

Please see below your request and the Trust’s response below

1. Contact Centre – target to organisations we know have a CC
a. Do you have a customer/ citizen facing contact centre? If not please
skip these questions. Yes.
b. Do you employ and manage your own agents, or do you outsource to a
third party? If you outsource who to? Employ own
c. How many contact centre agents do you have? 11.22 WTE which relates to
the Patient Contact Centre

 d. Do agents work from home? Or just your offices? Combination from home
and on site.
e. Please confirm the manufacturer of your contact centre system(s) that
are currently in place? Software for Contact Centre is supplied by
f. When is your contract renewal date? [1]28/05/2024
g. Who maintains your contact centre system(s)? Netcall

2. CRM
a. Do you use a CRM in the contact centre? What platform is used? No
b. Do you use the same CRM for the rest of the organisation? What platform
is used? N/A
c. Do you use a knowledge base / knowledge management platform? What
platform is used? Yes, ServiceNow

3. AI & Automation
a. Does your organisation have a customer or citizen facing chatbot? If
so, who provides this chatbot technology? No
b. Does your organisation utilise RPA technology? If so which RPA
technology provider do you use? No

For further information about Freedom of Information / Environmental
Information requests, you can visit the ICO’s website –/

Provision of this information does not constitute permission for its
commercial re-use in terms of the Re-Use of Public Sector Information
Regulations 2015. You are free to use the information for your own use,
including for non-commercial research purposes. The information may also
be used for the purposes of news reporting. However, any other type of
re-use will require permission from the Oxford University Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust.

Kind regards,

Freedom of Information Team
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
John Radcliffe Hospital
Headley Way


This response may refer to external third-party websites. The Trust does
not endorse or guarantee in any way the external organisations, services,
advice, or products included in these external website links nor does the
Trust control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or
completeness of the information contained in them. These links are
provided solely as a service for your information and convenience. The
Trust does not control, approve, or endorse these sites or the information
contained therein.

If you access (or provide information to) any of the external websites
linked to on the Website, you do so entirely at your own risk and the
Trust accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage that you may suffer
as a result.


For information about how personal data is being used by the Oxford University
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, please visit -


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/gui...
3. https://www.ouh.nhs.uk/privacy/

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Philip Mansfield please sign in and let everyone know.