Consultation responses regarding your 'satellite' school expansion
Dear Barton Court Grammar School,
I would like some information on your bid to build a 'satellite' school, and specifically on the responses to your consultation which ran for 4 weeks earlier this year as part of your bid for the Selective School Expansion Fund.
1) How many responses were there to the consultation? Of these responses how many were a) positive about your proposal b) negative about the proposal c) neutral.
2) How many members of the public attended your open meeting(s)?
3) In your application to the DfE for the SSEF funding did you mention any of the following?
a) The online petition criticising the 'satellite' expansion. If this was mentioned did you detail how many people had signed the petition?
b) Complaints about the consultation process ie. the length of consultation being too short, or failure to detail movement between school sites until a few weeks into the four week consultation period.
c) Negative comments from the head teachers or governors of local non-selective schools.
4) What prediction was made about the increase in pupil premium pupils at the school as outlined on the application form?
5) Have you received legal advice on using two school sites a number of miles apart?
6) Can you send me any plans or proposals the school has written up regarding plans for pupils and/or staff to travel between the 'satellite' school and the main building?
I have outlined here the questions that I most interested in, but if it is easier for you to respond by simply sending me a copy of the Excel application form you sent to the DfE - plus relevant supporting documents this is fine. Of course, you may redact any confidential or financial details if you choose to send the full application form.
Thank you for your help.
Yours faithfully,
Joanne Bartley
Dear Joanne
Please find attached the reply and associated analysis to your Freedom of Information request from our Executive Headteacher, Kirstin Cardus.
I hope this information is of use.
Kind regards
Mrs R Light
PA to EHT/HT and Personnel/Office Manager
01227 464600
01843 862988
Barton Court Academy Trust
Dear Mrs. Light,
Please thank Ms.Cardus for the helpful and detailed reply. I'd just like to check one thing, were all these documents (aside from the reply to me obviously) sent to the DfE as part of the application for SSEF funding? And were there further words of comment on the consultation process on the school's SSEF application form? If so please do send that comment too.
Many thanks for your help.
Yours sincerely,
Joanne Bartley
Dear Joanne
Please find attached the further information requested.
Kind regards
Mrs R Light
PA to EHT/HT and Personnel/Office Manager
01227 464600
01843 862988
Barton Court Academy Trust
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