Consultation on closure of ticket offices

James Finnegan made this Freedom of Information request to DfT Operator Limited Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was partially successful.

Dear DfT OLR Holdings Limited,

Please supply all recorded information relating to the creation of an equality impact assessment by DOHL TOCs for each proposal to shut station ticket offices, as announced by the RDG on 5 July.

Please provide recorded information that refers to DOHl’s obligation under the public sector equality duty as relates to this matter.

Yours faithfully,

James Finnegan

Company Secretary, DfT Operator Limited

2 Attachments

Dear James Finnegan


Freedom of Information Act request – 2307-022


Thank you for your information request dated 24 July 2023.


You requested all recorded information relating to the creation of an
equality impact assessment by DOHL TOCs for each proposal to shut station
ticket offices, and recorded information that refers to DOHl’s obligation
under the public sector equality duty as relates to this matter.


As the ticket office consultation process you mention is managed
separately by each individual TOC, the majority of this information is
held by the TOCs themselves, with DOHL receiving occasional, usually
verbal updates via Board meetings and some emails. As such, DOHL holds
very little information within the scope of this request.


The information that is held by DOHL consists of short references within
larger documents. I have therefore collated these references within the
attached document, including descriptions of the documents from which each


Note that as per the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act I have
excluded any information that is legally privileged (which in this case
includes legal advice provided to the TOCs), and anything that has been or
is about to be made publicly available (which in this case includes DOHL’s
Corporate Plan and Annual Accounts).


Appeals procedure

If you are dissatisfied with the way we have responded to or handled your
request, you have the right to ask for an internal review.  These should
be submitted within two calendar months of the date of this letter and
addressed to [1][DOHL request email].  Please remember to quote the
reference number above in any future communications.


If you ask for an internal review and are still not content with the
outcome, you have the right to apply directly to the Information
Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted
via their online form:


Yours sincerely, 



Matt Bentley

Business Manager DOHL



show quoted sections