
R Head made this Freedom of Information request to Croydon Borough Council Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was partially successful.

Dear Croydon Borough Council,

Item 7 of the General Purposes Committee references consultation with all groups.

Please provide a copy of all consultation materials and responses relating to this item.

Please provide information as to why only the Conservative Group response was published.

Please provide your policy/guidance relating to consultation with Croydon Council Political Groups

Yours faithfully,

R Head, Croydon Borough Council

Information Team Croydon
Digital Services
Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
Bernard Wetherill House
7th Floor, Zone B

Contact: Information Team
[Croydon Borough Council request email]


NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email. If
you have a processing request, please ensure you quote that reference in
your emails to us.



Freedom of information request - FOI/7084


Subject: Consultation

Your request is being considered and you will receive a response within
the statutory timescale of 20 working days, subject to the application of
any exemptions. Where consideration is being given to exemptions the 20
working day timescale may be extended to a period considered reasonable
depending on the nature and circumstances of your request. In such cases
you will be notified and, where possible, a revised time-scale will be
indicated. In all cases we shall attempt to deal with your request at the
earliest opportunity.

If we are unable to provide you with the information requested we will
notify you of this together with the reason(s) why, and details of how you
may appeal.

Please note that the directorate team may contact you for further
information where we believe that the request is not significantly clear
for us to respond fully. 

Kind Regard

Information Management Team


Croydon Digital Services

Assistant Chief Executive Directorate


7th Floor, Zone B

Bernard Weatherill House

8 Mint Walk

Croydon CR0 1EA, Croydon Borough Council

Information Team Croydon
Digital Services
Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
Bernard Wetherill House
7th Floor, Zone B

Contact: Information Team
[Croydon Borough Council request email]


Dear R Head


Request: FOI/7084


We are writing to advise you that the time limit for responding to your
request for information needs to be extended.


As per ICO guidelines, it is occasionally necessary to extend the 20
working day time limit for issuing a response. In the case of your
request, we must extend the time limit by 20 working days because the
information requested must be considered under one of the exemptions to
which the public interest test applies, specifically Section 36 of the
FOIA. This extra time is needed in order to make a determination as to the
public interest.


Therefore, we will provide our response by no later than 18/04/23. If you
do not receive our response or further information by then, please contact
us and we will investigate the matter.

Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future


Kind regards,

Information Management Team, Croydon Borough Council

8 Attachments

  • Attachment

    Re Consideration of Increase to Member Allowances 2022 23 and Setting of Member Allowance Scheme for 2023 24.html

    14K Download

  • Attachment


    9K Download

  • Attachment

    Appendix B IRP 2022.pdf

    960K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    Consideration of Increase to Member Allowances 2022 23 and Setting of Member Allowance Scheme for 2023 24.html

    12K Download

  • Attachment

    Consideration of Increase to Member Allowances 2022 23 and Setting of Member Allowance Scheme for 2023 24.html

    12K Download

  • Attachment

    Re Consideration of Increase to Member Allowances 2022 23 and Setting of Member Allowance Scheme for 2023 24.html

    26K Download

  • Attachment

    RE Important Proposed Increase to Member Allowances 2022 23.html

    8K Download

  • Attachment

    Important Proposed Increase to Member Allowances 2022 23.html

    5K Download

Information Team Croydon
Digital Services
Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
Bernard Wetherill House
7th Floor, Zone B

Contact: Information Team
[Croydon Borough Council request email]


Dear R Head

Request FOI/7084

Further to your request received on 20/02/2023, I confirm that the Council
has now considered your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to your
request. For ease of reference, I will now address each of your questions
in turn. 


QUESTION: Item 7 of the General Purposes Committee references consultation
with all groups. Please provide a copy of all consultation materials and
responses relating to this item.

It appears your question relates to Item 6 of the agenda relating to
Member Allowance Increases 2022/23 - as your follow-up question as to why
only the Conservative Group response was stated in the report only related
to Item 6 (item 7 of that meeting’s agenda had no Conservative response).

Initially the two main groups and then subsequently all groups and the
non-grouped member were contacted and given details of the proposals and
rationale. As requested, emails relating to the
Consultation communications and responses are attached/enclosed.


QUESTION: Please provide information as to why only the Conservative Group
response was published.

As per the enclosed email exchanges, at the date of publishing, the
Conservatives Group had feedback on the proposals around the proposed
increase for 2022/23. Upon publication of the report, the Labour
Group provided their feedback and position. Neither the Conservative or
Labour Group supported the officer proposed increase.  Both Labour and
Conservative Groups positions, as then known, were stated by the Officer
(Adrian May, Interim Head of Democratic Services) at the meeting:  item 6.

and 5 seconds.


QUESTION: Please provide your policy/guidance relating to consultation
with Croydon Council Political Groups

This information is not held or forwarded as we don’t have a specific
policy or guidance associated with consultation with Croydon Council
Political Groups.


The Council publishes Access to Information requests and responses on its
online Disclosure Log. (Any request included within this log will be
anonymised appropriately)

To view the Council’s Disclosure Log, please visit our website available

[2]The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act | Croydon Council


If you are dissatisfied with the way the Council has handled your request
under the Freedom of Information Act, you may ask for an internal review.
This should be submitted to us within 40 working days of this response.
You can do this by outlining the details of your complaint by:


Email:        [3][Croydon Borough Council request email]


Writing:     Information Team

London Borough of Croydon

Bernard Weatherill House

Floor 7 - Zone B

8 Mint Walk

Croydon, CR0 1EA


Any requests received after the 40 working day time limit will be
considered only at the discretion of the council.


If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:


Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane


Cheshire, SK9 5AF


Yours sincerely,


Information Team

Croydon Digital Services

Assistant Chief Executive Directorate

Bernard Wetherill House,

Mint Walk,





[4][Croydon Borough Council request email]

[5][email address]



Visible links
3. mailto:[Croydon Borough Council request email]
4. mailto:[Croydon Borough Council request email]
5. mailto:[email address]