Consent to treatment and common cold pages

The request was successful.

Dear NHS Digital,

Please provide the following:

- All information related to the "Consent to treatment" page ( since 29/03/2019. For example: questions, suggestions, corrections, proposed changes etc.

- Changes, if any, made to the "Common cold" page ( at the most recent review.

Yours faithfully,

D Jackson

NHS Digital Enquiries (NHS DIGITAL),

Ref: NIC-621812-C9H0H 

Dear D Jackson,

We are writing to acknowledge that your request for information was
received by NHS Digital on 30/12/2021 and is currently being considered.

If NHS Digital is able to provide you with the information you have
requested, then under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act you are
entitled to receive it promptly and in any event no later than the 20th
working day following the date of receipt. However, we may need to contact
you to clarify your request. If this is required we aim to do this
promptly but no later than 7 days after receiving your initial request for

The FOI Act provides a 'General right of access to information held by
public authorities'. However, it also defines a number of exemptions
which may prevent the release of some or all of the information you have
requested. Therefore, NHS Digital will assess your information request in
light of any relevant exemptions.

If exemptions do apply, then NHS Digital may decide not to release all, or
part, of the information you have requested. I shall inform you if this is
the case, and advise you of your rights of appeal.

If the information you request contains reference to a third party then
they may be consulted prior to a decision being taken as to whether to
release the information to you.

The response to your request will be sent to you by email, however if you
require your response in any other format, please contact us to discuss a
suitable format.

NHS Digital will not normally charge a fee to provide you with the
information you have requested, unless the cost of dealing with your
request is more than £450 as outlined in Section 12 of the FOI Act and
Section 3 of the The FOI and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees)
Regulations 2004. If it appears likely that your request will cost more,
then NHS Digital is able to refuse to supply the information.  As per our
obligations under Section 16 of the FOI Act, every effort will be made to
provide you with details of how you may be able to reframe your request in
order for us to complete the required work within the (£450 / 18 person
hours) cost limit.

If you have any queries or should you wish to make a complaint about the
manner in which your request is being processed then please do not
hesitate to contact us at [1][NHS Digital request email] in the first
instance. Any complaints will be investigated in accordance with NHS
Digital's complaints procedure.

Further information about your rights under the Freedom of Information
Act, is available from the Information Commissioner's Office, Wilmslow,
Cheshire and on the NHS Digital website.

Kind Regards,

Contact Centre Team
NHS Digital

0300 303 5678
[3][NHS Digital request email]

7&8 Wellington Place | Leeds | LS1 4AP

You can find out more about our service, including our response times and
customer charter on the NHS Digital website:

[5]Privacy and cookies



show quoted sections

NHS Digital Enquiries (NHS DIGITAL),

1 Attachment


Ref: NIC-621812-C9H0H 

Dear D Jackson,

Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital.

We have now received a reply to this from our colleagues in the
Information Governance team.

Please see the attached file(s).

Kind Regards,

Contact Centre Team
NHS Digital

0300 303 5678

[2][NHS Digital request email]

7&8 Wellington Place | Leeds | LS1 4AP

[3]Privacy and cookies



show quoted sections

Dear NHS Digital Enquiries (NHS DIGITAL),

"Questions" would be any correspondence questioning the content of the page and any documentation relating to those questions.

"Suggestions" would be any correspondence suggesting changes to the content of the page and any documentation relating to those suggestions.

Yours sincerely,

D Jackson

NHS Digital Enquiries (NHS DIGITAL),

Ref: NIC-627468-P1D6F 

Dear D Jackson,

We are writing to acknowledge that your request for information was
received by NHS Digital on 19/01/2022 and is currently being considered.

If NHS Digital is able to provide you with the information you have
requested, then under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act you are
entitled to receive it promptly and in any event no later than the 20th
working day following the date of receipt. However, we may need to contact
you to clarify your request. If this is required we aim to do this
promptly but no later than 7 days after receiving your initial request for

The FOI Act provides a 'General right of access to information held by
public authorities'. However, it also defines a number of exemptions
which may prevent the release of some or all of the information you have
requested. Therefore, NHS Digital will assess your information request in
light of any relevant exemptions.

If exemptions do apply, then NHS Digital may decide not to release all, or
part, of the information you have requested. I shall inform you if this is
the case, and advise you of your rights of appeal.

If the information you request contains reference to a third party then
they may be consulted prior to a decision being taken as to whether to
release the information to you.

The response to your request will be sent to you by email, however if you
require your response in any other format, please contact us to discuss a
suitable format.

NHS Digital will not normally charge a fee to provide you with the
information you have requested, unless the cost of dealing with your
request is more than £450 as outlined in Section 12 of the FOI Act and
Section 3 of the The FOI and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees)
Regulations 2004. If it appears likely that your request will cost more,
then NHS Digital is able to refuse to supply the information.  As per our
obligations under Section 16 of the FOI Act, every effort will be made to
provide you with details of how you may be able to reframe your request in
order for us to complete the required work within the (£450 / 18 person
hours) cost limit.

If you have any queries or should you wish to make a complaint about the
manner in which your request is being processed then please do not
hesitate to contact us at [1][NHS Digital request email] in the first
instance. Any complaints will be investigated in accordance with NHS
Digital's complaints procedure.

Further information about your rights under the Freedom of Information
Act, is available from the Information Commissioner's Office, Wilmslow,
Cheshire and on the NHS Digital website.

Kind Regards,

Contact Centre Team
NHS Digital

0300 303 5678
[3][NHS Digital request email]

7&8 Wellington Place | Leeds | LS1 4AP

You can find out more about our service, including our response times and
customer charter on the NHS Digital website:

[5]Privacy and cookies



show quoted sections

NHS Digital Enquiries (NHS DIGITAL),

1 Attachment


Ref: NIC-627468-P1D6F 

Dear D Jackson,

Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital.

We have now received a reply to this from our colleagues in the
Information Governance team.

Please see the attached file(s).

Kind Regards,

Contact Centre Team
NHS Digital

0300 303 5678

[2][NHS Digital request email]

7&8 Wellington Place | Leeds | LS1 4AP

[3]Privacy and cookies



show quoted sections

Dear NHS Digital Enquiries (NHS DIGITAL),

Thank you for the response.

In relation to this part of the request:

- All information related to the "Consent to treatment" page ( since 29/03/2019. For example: questions, suggestions, corrections, proposed changes etc

- "Questions" would be any correspondence questioning the content of the page and any documentation relating to those questions.

- "Suggestions" would be any correspondence suggesting changes to the content of the page and any documentation relating to those suggestions.

As a minimum, I would have expected the correspondence relating to ticket references SDT-846595 and CS0007573.

Please conduct an internal review as I do not think I have been provided with all of the information I have requested.

Yours sincerely,

D Jackson

NHS Digital Enquiries (NHS DIGITAL),

Ref: NIC-633428-Y7F2F 

Dear D Jackson,

We are writing to acknowledge that your request for information was
received by NHS Digital on 8th February 2022 and is currently being

If NHS Digital is able to provide you with the information you have
requested, then under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act you are
entitled to receive it promptly and in any event no later than the 20th
working day following the date of receipt. However, we may need to contact
you to clarify your request. If this is required we aim to do this
promptly but no later than 7 days after receiving your initial request for

The FOI Act provides a 'General right of access to information held by
public authorities'. However, it also defines a number of exemptions
which may prevent the release of some or all of the information you have
requested. Therefore, NHS Digital will assess your information request in
light of any relevant exemptions.

If exemptions do apply, then NHS Digital may decide not to release all, or
part, of the information you have requested. I shall inform you if this is
the case, and advise you of your rights of appeal.

If the information you request contains reference to a third party then
they may be consulted prior to a decision being taken as to whether to
release the information to you.

The response to your request will be sent to you by email, however if you
require your response in any other format, please contact us to discuss a
suitable format.

NHS Digital will not normally charge a fee to provide you with the
information you have requested, unless the cost of dealing with your
request is more than £450 as outlined in Section 12 of the FOI Act and
Section 3 of the The FOI and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees)
Regulations 2004. If it appears likely that your request will cost more,
then NHS Digital is able to refuse to supply the information.  As per our
obligations under Section 16 of the FOI Act, every effort will be made to
provide you with details of how you may be able to reframe your request in
order for us to complete the required work within the (£450 / 18 person
hours) cost limit.

If you have any queries or should you wish to make a complaint about the
manner in which your request is being processed then please do not
hesitate to contact us at [1][NHS Digital request email] in the first
instance. Any complaints will be investigated in accordance with NHS
Digital's complaints procedure.

Further information about your rights under the Freedom of Information
Act, is available from the Information Commissioner's Office, Wilmslow,
Cheshire and on the NHS Digital website.

Kind Regards,

Contact Centre Team
NHS Digital

0300 303 5678
[3][NHS Digital request email]

7&8 Wellington Place | Leeds | LS1 4AP

You can find out more about our service, including our response times and
customer charter on the NHS Digital website:

[5]Privacy and cookies



show quoted sections

NHS Digital Enquiries (NHS DIGITAL),

1 Attachment


Ref: NIC-633428-Y7F2F 

Dear Sir/Madam,

Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital.

We have now received a reply to this from our colleagues in the
Information Governance team.

Please see the attached file(s).

Kind Regards,

Contact Centre Team
NHS Digital

0300 303 5678

[2][NHS Digital request email]

7&8 Wellington Place | Leeds | LS1 4AP

[3]Privacy and cookies



show quoted sections

Dear Mr Crisp,

Thank you for the response detailing the outcome of the internal review.

I look forward to being contacted with a view to reconsidering my request.

Yours sincerely,

D Jackson

NHS Digital Enquiries (NHS DIGITAL),

1 Attachment


Ref: NIC-641620-H5J2R 

Dear D Jackson,

Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital.

We have now received a reply to this from our colleagues in the
Information Governance team.

Please see the attached file(s).

Kind Regards,

Contact Centre Team
NHS Digital

0300 303 5678

[2][NHS Digital request email]

7&8 Wellington Place | Leeds | LS1 4AP

[3]Privacy and cookies




Visible links
2. mailto:[NHS Digital request email]

Dear NHS Digital,

Further to your letter of 23/03/2022 seeking clarification, I have limited the scope of the request as follows:

Please provide information since 1st October 2020 referencing the "Consent to treatment" page ( where the information is in an email or recorded on a helpdesk system and where the information was sent from:

- Within the NHS
- From a government department
- From an academic institution

Yours sincerely,

D Jackson

NHS Digital Enquiries (NHS DIGITAL),

Ref: NIC-646612-Q2F3W 

Dear D Jackson,

We are writing to acknowledge that your request for information was
received by NHS Digital on 04/04/22 and is currently being considered.

If NHS Digital is able to provide you with the information you have
requested, then under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act you are
entitled to receive it promptly and in any event no later than the 20th
working day following the date of receipt. However, we may need to contact
you to clarify your request. If this is required we aim to do this
promptly but no later than 7 days after receiving your initial request for

The FOI Act provides a 'General right of access to information held by
public authorities'. However, it also defines a number of exemptions
which may prevent the release of some or all of the information you have
requested. Therefore, NHS Digital will assess your information request in
light of any relevant exemptions.

If exemptions do apply, then NHS Digital may decide not to release all, or
part, of the information you have requested. I shall inform you if this is
the case, and advise you of your rights of appeal.

If the information you request contains reference to a third party then
they may be consulted prior to a decision being taken as to whether to
release the information to you.

The response to your request will be sent to you by email, however if you
require your response in any other format, please contact us to discuss a
suitable format.

NHS Digital will not normally charge a fee to provide you with the
information you have requested, unless the cost of dealing with your
request is more than £450 as outlined in Section 12 of the FOI Act and
Section 3 of the The FOI and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees)
Regulations 2004. If it appears likely that your request will cost more,
then NHS Digital is able to refuse to supply the information.  As per our
obligations under Section 16 of the FOI Act, every effort will be made to
provide you with details of how you may be able to reframe your request in
order for us to complete the required work within the (£450 / 18 person
hours) cost limit.

If you have any queries or should you wish to make a complaint about the
manner in which your request is being processed then please do not
hesitate to contact us at [1][NHS Digital request email] in the first
instance. Any complaints will be investigated in accordance with NHS
Digital's complaints procedure.

Further information about your rights under the Freedom of Information
Act, is available from the Information Commissioner's Office, Wilmslow,
Cheshire and on the NHS Digital website.

Kind Regards,

Contact Centre Team
NHS Digital

0300 303 5678
[3][NHS Digital request email]

7&8 Wellington Place | Leeds | LS1 4AP

You can find out more about our service, including our response times and
customer charter on the NHS Digital website:

[5]Privacy and cookies



show quoted sections

NHS Digital Enquiries (NHS DIGITAL),

1 Attachment


Ref: NIC-646612-Q2F3W 

Dear D Jackson,

Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital.

We have now received a reply to this from our colleagues in the
Information Governance team.

Please see the attached file(s).

Kind Regards,

Contact Centre Team
NHS Digital

0300 303 5678

[2][NHS Digital request email]

7&8 Wellington Place | Leeds | LS1 4AP

[3]Privacy and cookies




show quoted sections

Dear NHS Digital Enquiries (NHS DIGITAL),

Thank you for the response. I am assuming the "incident report" is the incident submitted by the reporter and all subsequent information related to the resolution of that incident. Please provide the incident reports and closure dates for the following.

2 incidents on 8 June 2021
1 incident on 23 June 2021
1 incident on 4 July 2021
1 incident on 17 November 2021
1 incident on 7 December 2021
1 incident on 13 January 2022

Yours sincerely,

D Jackson

NHS Digital Enquiries (NHS DIGITAL),

Ref: NIC-650514-N7L8L 

Dear D Jackson,

We are writing to acknowledge that your request for information was
received by NHS Digital on 23rd April 2022 and is currently being

If NHS Digital is able to provide you with the information you have
requested, then under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act you are
entitled to receive it promptly and in any event no later than the 20th
working day following the date of receipt. However, we may need to contact
you to clarify your request. If this is required we aim to do this
promptly but no later than 7 days after receiving your initial request for

The FOI Act provides a 'General right of access to information held by
public authorities'. However, it also defines a number of exemptions
which may prevent the release of some or all of the information you have
requested. Therefore, NHS Digital will assess your information request in
light of any relevant exemptions.

If exemptions do apply, then NHS Digital may decide not to release all, or
part, of the information you have requested. I shall inform you if this is
the case, and advise you of your rights of appeal.

If the information you request contains reference to a third party then
they may be consulted prior to a decision being taken as to whether to
release the information to you.

The response to your request will be sent to you by email, however if you
require your response in any other format, please contact us to discuss a
suitable format.

NHS Digital will not normally charge a fee to provide you with the
information you have requested, unless the cost of dealing with your
request is more than £450 as outlined in Section 12 of the FOI Act and
Section 3 of the The FOI and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees)
Regulations 2004. If it appears likely that your request will cost more,
then NHS Digital is able to refuse to supply the information.  As per our
obligations under Section 16 of the FOI Act, every effort will be made to
provide you with details of how you may be able to reframe your request in
order for us to complete the required work within the (£450 / 18 person
hours) cost limit.

If you have any queries or should you wish to make a complaint about the
manner in which your request is being processed then please do not
hesitate to contact us at [1][NHS Digital request email] in the first
instance. Any complaints will be investigated in accordance with NHS
Digital's complaints procedure.

Further information about your rights under the Freedom of Information
Act, is available from the Information Commissioner's Office, Wilmslow,
Cheshire and on the NHS Digital website.

Kind Regards,

Contact Centre Team
NHS Digital

0300 303 5678
[3][NHS Digital request email]

7&8 Wellington Place | Leeds | LS1 4AP

You can find out more about our service, including our response times and
customer charter on the NHS Digital website:

[5]Privacy and cookies



show quoted sections

NHS Digital Enquiries (NHS DIGITAL),

2 Attachments


Ref: NIC-650514-N7L8L 

Dear D Jackson,

Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital.

We have now received a reply to this from our colleagues in the
Information Governance team.

Please see the attached file(s).

Kind Regards,

Contact Centre Team
NHS Digital

0300 303 5678

[2][NHS Digital request email]

7&8 Wellington Place | Leeds | LS1 4AP

[3]Privacy and cookies




Visible links
2. mailto:[NHS Digital request email]