We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Philip Mansfield please sign in and let everyone know.

Connectivity and Network Services:

We're waiting for Philip Mansfield to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,

Connectivity and Network Services
a. Who provides your WAN and internet connectivity and the annual spend on each
b. Who provides your SIP trunks and what is the annual spend
c. Who provides your WAN services, is this MPLS, SD WAN or Internet, and what is the annual spend
d. Who provides your LAN infrastructure and what is your annual spend
e. Who provides your WIFI infrastructure and what is your annual spend
f. Please confirm the manufacturer(s) of your wired network core and edge switching?
g. When was your core network installed?
h. Has it been updated subsequently?
i. Who maintains your core network?
j. When is the contract renewal date?
k. Please confirm value of the initial project?
l. Please confirm the value of annual support/maintenance services (in £)?

Yours faithfully,

Philip Mansfield

oxford@infreemation.co.uk, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

[This is an automated acknowledgement of your request]

Thank you for contacting the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation

Your reference is F23-8570. Please keep a note of this reference if you
want to contact us about your request.

If you have submitted a request under either the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, your request
will be considered.

You should receive our response within the statutory time limit of 20
working days. Therefore, the deadline for providing a response to your
request is the 23/02/2023.

Your request may already be answered by our responses to previous requests
on our publication scheme. Our publication scheme can be found on this
webpage - [1]https://oxford.disclosure-log.co.uk/.

If you are looking for Trust expenditure information, this is available on
this webpage - [2]https://www.ouh.nhs.uk/about/foi/what-we....
This will list all expenditure payments of £25,000 or more by month.

For information about how the Trust processes personal data, or if you
want to make a request for personal data (including medical records),
please refer to our privacy notice - [3]http://www.ouh.nhs.uk/privacy/.

Kind regards

Freedom of Information Team
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
John Radcliffe Hospital
Headley Way


Visible links
1. https://oxford.disclosure-log.co.uk/
2. https://www.ouh.nhs.uk/about/foi/what-we...
3. http://www.ouh.nhs.uk/privacy/

oxford@infreemation.co.uk, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dear Philip Mansfield,

Thank you for your request, F23-8570, for information about Connectivity
and Network Services: sent 26/01/2023. 

The request is not clear enough for us to identify and locate the
information requested. Therefore, we require further clarification from

[Ik. Please confirm value of the initial project? not clear what is being
asked here? what is meant by initial project?]

Under section 1(3) of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 /
regulation 12(4)(c) of the Environmental Regulation (EIR) 2004, we are not
obliged to fulfil your request for information until we have received
clarification. Therefore, whilst we wait for your response, your request
will be placed on-hold until clarification is received.

The 20 working day time limit will be paused from the day this
clarification request is sent. Once clarification is received, the 20
working day time limit will resume.

If we do not receive clarification within two months, your request will be
considered to have lapsed and will be closed by the Trust.

Yours sincerely,

Freedom of Information Team
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
John Radcliffe Hospital
Headley Way

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Philip Mansfield please sign in and let everyone know.