Confirmation of all costs incurred with PWC the research, preparation and delivery of the Sellafield Ltd. HR Future Fit Review, dated April 2019.
Dear Nuclear Decommissioning Authority,
Confirmation of all costs incurred to commission PWC to conduct research and delivery of the Sellafield Ltd "HR Future Fit Review, dated April 2019." The sum to include all associated costs, for example, any additional expenditure incurred to deliver the presentation as well as the execution of the work.
Please also confirm the total expenditure with PWC in relation to any other EDI/HR/Transformation work during 2018 to 2020.
Yours faithfully,
Alison McDermott
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Dear Alison
As your request relates to Sellafield Ltd data, I'd advise you contact them re. this matter in the first instance via [email address]
If you still believe NDA is the only source of the information requested, please provide any additional information/context that would help us to locate it.
Judith Griffin
Information Access Manager
NDA, Herdus House,
Westlakes Science & Technology Park,
Moor Row, CA24 3HU
Tel. no. 01925802077
Please note that I work Tuesday – Thursday from 8:30 – 16:30.
Dear Judith,
This report was instigated by someone at the NDA. Via the DSAR process I obtained a copy of an email which was sent my someone at the NDA on 16.11.2018 stating the following: -
"reached an agreement that a fully independent 3 rd party should undertake a ‘diagnostic’ review of the Sellafield HR function. A potential provider has been identified and thy are working through their pre-engagement process to ensure there are no conflicts to stop their appointment. Terms of Reference will then be agreed, which will necessarily be worked up jointly with Sellafield but the crucial point is that this will be our engagement and through this we can exercise considerable control over the review and, crucially, the
This report was presented to the NDA on April 2019. It is very clear that the NDA commissioned this work and therefore paid for it. The work was completed by PWC.
Please can you provide the total expenditure for this asap.
Alison McDermott
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Dear Alison
Case Ref: 20200660
Thank you for your clarification received today, your request will now be forwarded onto the relevant officer(s) and be dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, I will let you know the likely charges before proceeding.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any queries you may have via [email address]
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
During the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, NDA will endeavour to answer all Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulation requests within statutory time limits. However, there may be delays due to the effects of the pandemic, so please bear with us, we will answer your requests as soon as possible and try to keep you updated.
Kind regards,
Jo Doran
Information Governance Advisor
Herdus House
Westlakes Science & Technology Park
Moor Row
CA24 3HU
Tel: 01925 802184
[mobile number]
This message and any attachment is intended solely for the addressee and may contain confidential or legally privileged information. If you have received this message in error, please send it back to us, and immediately and permanently delete it. Do not use, copy or disclose the information contained in this message or in any attachment.
If you have a general enquiry or wish to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations please phone 01925 802077 or email [email address]
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Dear Ms McDermott
Request for Information - Reference Number: 20200660
Thank you for your request for information, which was received by the
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) on 11 March 2020. We initially
responded to your enquiry on the same day, advising you to contact
Sellafield Ltd directly. However, after receiving clarification from you
on 28 March 2020, the NDA has re-considered our response and has now
processed your request under the provisions of the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 (FoIA).
You asked the following:
1. Confirmation of all costs incurred to commission PWC to conduct
research and delivery of the Sellafield Ltd "HR Future Fit Review, dated
April 2019." The sum to include all associated costs, for example, any
additional expenditure incurred to deliver the presentation as well as
the execution of the work.
The total fee payable to PWC for the said report (including expenses) was
2. Please also confirm the total expenditure with PWC in relation to
any other EDI/HR/Transformation work during 2018 to 2020.
NDA Corporate Centre has not used PWC in relation to any other
EDI/HR/Transformation work between 2018 and 2020 and therefore holds no
information in relation to this part of your request.
I hope that the above satisfies your enquiry, however if not please
contact the Information Access Manager via [1][email address]. We
will then make an internal review of the decision.
You can also complain to the Information Commissioner at: Information
Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9
5AF, Telephone: 0303 123 1113; [2]
Kind Regards,
[3]NDA_final_logo_Black small
Jo Doran
Information Governance Advisor
Herdus House
Westlakes Science & Technology Park
Moor Row
CA24 3HU
Tel: 01925 802184
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may contain confidential or legally privileged information. If you have
received this message in error, please send it back to us, and immediately
and permanently delete it. Do not use, copy or disclose the information
contained in this message or in any attachment.
If you have a general enquiry or wish to make a request under the Freedom
of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations please phone
01925 802077 or email [5][email address]
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