Conditions of Funding for Scottish Trans
Dear Argyll and Bute Council,
Under FOISA please supply me with Information contained in your records as follows:
The full conditions of funding for Scottish Trans?
To be clear please supply me with the total amount of funding being provided per financial year to Scottish Trans since the first FY of funding and the full conditions of funding for Scottish Trans.
Please supply me with the conditions of funding, which stipulate what criteria is expected by your council for Scottish Trans service for the funding awarded to Scottish Trans achieve in real terms.
Please also advise if Scottish Trans have been rolling out training in any of your local authority Schools?
If so please state what schools have received Scottish Trans?
Please also state what professional standards and reporting is required to comply with the conditions of funding, this is to ensure the Scottish Government are provided VfM whilst not cutting back on Quality.
Yours faithfully,
[name removed]
[name removed]
Thank you for your email to Argyll and Bute Council in relation to Freedom
of Information Requests. We will endeavour to respond to your email as
soon as possible.
Many Thanks
FOI team
Argyll and Bute Council's e-mail system (also used by LiveArgyll)
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Dear [name removed]
Request for information: Conditions of Funding for Scottish Trans
Thank you for your information request which we have logged as reference
It has been passed to the relevant service(s) for attention and you should
receive a response under either the Freedom of Information (Scot) Act 2002
or the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 by 2023-01-05
00:00:00. We hope to respond within this timescale but, due to the
staffing/capacity issues with COVID-19, some requests may take little
Please quote the reference number above in any correspondence you may have
with the Council in regard to this request.
FOI Officer
Privacy information: Any personal information you have provided in
relation to this request will be used only for the intended purpose -
please read the full privacy notice to find out more about how your
personal information will be handled, and your rights under data
protection legislation.
Classification: OFFICIAL
Dear [name removed]
I am in receipt of the following FOI request from you about Conditions of
Funding for Scottish Trans and, before I can seek this information from
our Finance team and schools, I require some clarification from you.
Please could you confirm the timeframe for your request:
· For training in schools, do you require information about the
current academic year and/or any previous academic years?
Please note that the official response timescale will pause until I
receive the above information from you.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Suzanne Harper
Admin Officer
Argyll and Bute Council
Education Services
Argyll House, Alexandra Parade, Dunoon, PA23 8AJ
Email: [1][email address]
Tel: 01369 708527
My normal work pattern is Monday to Friday 09:00-12:30, during school
Dear Harper, Suzanne,
To be clear please supply me with the total amount of funding being provided per financial year to Scottish Trans since the first FY of funding and the full conditions of funding for Scottish Trans.
the first FY of funding and the full conditions of funding for Scottish Trans.
Are you actually being serious or is your reading comprehension impaired?
Yours sincerely,
[name removed]
[name removed]
My normal work pattern is Monday to Friday 09:00 - 12:30, during school
Argyll and Bute Council's e-mail system (also used by LiveArgyll)
classifies the sensitivity of emails according to the Government Security
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you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for
delivery of the message to such person), you may not disclose, copy or
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in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful.
In such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender
by reply email. Opinions, conclusions and other information in this
message that do not relate to the official business of Argyll and Bute
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may be subject to recording and/or monitoring in accordance with relevant
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Dear [name removed]
Information requests – [name removed]
I’ve been made aware of the content of some of the email correspondence
you have sent to my colleague Suzanne Harper which I consider has become
increasingly personal in nature and as such is unacceptable. Suzanne is
carrying out her job correctly in clarifying what it is that you are
asking for in relation to dates etc.
In order to cut down the necessity for the Council to come back to your
requests to seek clarification in future, it would be helpful if you could
make your requests clear in relation to the information you request and
the dates that you are seeking the information for.
I would ask that you remain courteous in any further correspondence with
Suzanne and indeed with any other employee of the Council.
Yours sincerely
Jen Crocket
Chief Education Officer/ Head of Education: Wellbeing, Inclusion and
Argyll and Bute Council
Twitter: @CrocketJen
Email: [1][email address]
Tel: 01546 604288
visionlove argyll image
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in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful.
In such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender
by reply email. Opinions, conclusions and other information in this
message that do not relate to the official business of Argyll and Bute
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may be subject to recording and/or monitoring in accordance with relevant
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Visible links
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Dear Crocket, Jennifer,
To be clear please supply me with the total amount of funding being provided per financial year to Scottish Trans since the ****first FY of funding and the full conditions of funding for Scottish Trans until present date***
Yours sincerely,
[name removed]
[name removed]
Classification: OFFICIAL
Dear [name removed]
Request for information: Conditions of Funding for Scottish Trans
Reference: argyllbuteir:15091.
I refer to your request for information which was dealt with in terms of
the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA).
I have provided the following information in fulfilment of your request:
Under FOISA please supply me with Information contained in your records as
The full conditions of funding for Scottish Trans?
To be clear please supply me with the total amount of funding being
provided per financial year to Scottish Trans since the first FY of
funding and the full conditions of funding for Scottish Trans.
All our schools were contacted and all confirmed no payments to Scottish
Trans since 2015-2016 (the earliest records they hold).
Our Education Finance team also confirmed no central payments to Scottish
Trans since 2016-2017 (the earliest transactional records they hold).
Please supply me with the conditions of funding, which stipulate what
criteria is expected by your council for Scottish Trans service for the
funding awarded to Scottish Trans achieve in real terms.
Not applicable.
Please also advise if Scottish Trans have been rolling out training in any
of your local authority Schools?
All our schools were contacted and all confirmed no training by, or visits
from, Scottish Trans since 2015-2016 (the earliest records they hold).
If so please state what schools have received Scottish Trans?
Not applicable.
Please also state what professional standards and reporting is required to
comply with the conditions of funding, this is to ensure the Scottish
Government are provided VfM whilst not cutting back on Quality.
Not applicable. However, I can advise that all expenditure is undertaken
giving cognisance to the Council’s Constitution and in particular the
Financial and Security Regulations and Contract Standing Orders. This is a
public document which can be accessed on the Council’s website:
[1]Constitution (
If you are dissatisfied with the way in which your request for information
has been dealt with you are entitled to request a review by writing to the
Executive Director Customer Services, Argyll and Bute Council, Kilmory,
Lochgilphead, Argyll PA31 8RT, or by email to [2][Argyll and Bute Council
request email].
Your request for review must state your name and address for
correspondence, specify the request for information to which your request
for review relates and why you are dissatisfied with the response.
You must make your request for review not later than 40 working days after
the expiry of the 20 working day period for response to your initial
request by the Council, or not later than 40 working days after the
receipt by you of the information provided, any fees notice issued or any
notification of refusal or partial refusal.
If you make an application for review and remain dissatisfied with the way
in which the review has been dealt with you are entitled to make an
application to the Scottish Information Commissioner, Kinburn Castle,
Doubledykes Road, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9DS (Tel: 01334 464610) for a
further review. You can now do this online here -
You must make representation to the Scottish Information Commissioner no
later than 6 months after the date of receipt by you of the notice or
decision you are dissatisfied with or within 6 months of the expiry of the
period of 20 working days from receipt by the Council of your request for
Yours sincerely
David Sinclair
Compliance and Regulatory Assistant
Legal and Regulatory Services
01546 604352
Argyll and Bute Council's e-mail system (also used by LiveArgyll)
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in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful.
In such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender
by reply email. Opinions, conclusions and other information in this
message that do not relate to the official business of Argyll and Bute
Council or LiveArgyll shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by
All communications sent to or from Argyll and Bute Council or LiveArgyll
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Visible links
2. mailto:[argyll%20and%20bute%20council%20request%20email]
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