Conditions of Funding for LEAP Sports Scotland.

[name removed] made this Freedom of Information request to Aberdeenshire Council as part of a batch sent to 32 authorities This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Aberdeenshire Council should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Aberdeenshire Council,

Under FOISA please supply me with Information contained in your records as follows:

The full conditions of funding for LEAP Sports Scotland?

To be clear please supply me with the total amount of funding being provided per financial year to LEAP Sports Scotland since the first FY of funding and the full conditions of funding for LEAP Sports Scotland.

Please supply me with the conditions of funding, which stipulate what criteria is expected by your council for LEAP Sports Scotland service for the funding awarded to LEAP Sports Scotland achieve in real terms.

Please also advise if LEAP Sports Scotland have been rolling out training in any of your local authority Schools?

If so please state what schools have received LEAP Sports Scotland?

Please also state what professional standards and reporting is required to comply with the conditions of funding, this is to ensure the Scottish Government are provided VfM whilst not cutting back on Quality.

Yours faithfully,

[name removed]

FOI, Aberdeenshire Council

Good Morning,

Thank you for your email regarding Conditions of Funding for LEAP Sports Scotland.

I am writing to advise that we are unable to process your information request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) as you have not provided a full contact name within your email along with the request.

Under Section 8(1)(b) of the FOISA, an information request must contain the full name of the person making the request (the definition of “person” includes companies and organisations.) Where requests are sent by email, the name of the requester should appear in the text of the email along with the request details, not just in the email address. If the name is not in the body of the email, the request is invalid.

Please refer to the Scottish Information Commissioner's guidance for further information.

I would ask that you resubmit your full request including a full name within the body of the email.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,

Data Protection Co-Ordinator
Aberdeenshire Council

show quoted sections

Dear Aberdeenshire Council,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Aberdeenshire Council's handling of my FOI request 'Conditions of Funding for LEAP Sports Scotland.'.

Failure to respond and provide the information reqeusted 'Conditions of Funding for LEAP Sports Scotland.'.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,
[name removed]
[name removed]

FOI, Aberdeenshire Council

Good Morning,

Thank you for your email and request for review.

As per our email dated 5th December 2022, we advised that we could not process your information request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) as you had not provided a full contact name within your email along with the request. We did not receive any response to this email so your FOI request was not processed at that time.

If you still wish to log this as an FOI request, I can do so now. Please advise if this is something you wish to do.

Kind Regards,

Data Protection Co-ordinator
Aberdeenshire Council

show quoted sections

Dear FOI,

[name removed]
[name removed]

FOI, Aberdeenshire Council

Good Morning,

Thank you for providing your full name. I have now logged your FOI request and your reference number is IR 27892.

Kind Regards,

Data Protection Co-Ordinator
Aberdeenshire Council

show quoted sections

Acknowledge email,

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your information request.

If you are making a request for information under FOI(S)A we will aim to
respond within the statutory timeframe of 20 working days.

If you are making a request for environmental information under EIRs we
will aim to respond within the statutory timeframe of 20 working days.
However, for requests of a complex nature it could take us up to 40
working days. If so we will write and tell you this.

If you are making a request for information under DPA/GDPR we will aim to
respond within the statutory timeframe of one month except in the case of
complex or numerous requests in which case this period may be extended by
up to a further two months. If so we will write and tell you this.

Information Requests Privacy Notice: [1]

Aberdeenshire Information Enquiries


Visible links

Acknowledge email,

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your information request.

If you are making a request for information under FOI(S)A we will aim to
respond within the statutory timeframe of 20 working days.

If you are making a request for environmental information under EIRs we
will aim to respond within the statutory timeframe of 20 working days.
However, for requests of a complex nature it could take us up to 40
working days. If so we will write and tell you this.

If you are making a request for information under DPA/GDPR we will aim to
respond within the statutory timeframe of one month except in the case of
complex or numerous requests in which case this period may be extended by
up to a further two months. If so we will write and tell you this.

Information Requests Privacy Notice: [1]

Aberdeenshire Information Enquiries


Visible links

Education, Aberdeenshire Council

Dear [name removed]


Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (“The Act”)

We refer to your request dated 07/03/2023 17:25, for the following
information regarding LEAP Sports Scotland.

We confirm that the Council holds the following information, which we
believe satisfies your request.

The full conditions of funding for LEAP Sports Scotland?  To be clear
please supply me with the total amount of funding being provided per
financial year to LEAP Sports Scotland since the first FY of funding and
the full conditions of funding for LEAP Sports Scotland.

Please supply me with the conditions of funding, which stipulate what
criteria is expected by your council for LEAP Sports Scotland service for
the funding awarded to LEAP Sports Scotland achieve in real terms.

Please also state what professional standards and reporting is required to
comply with the conditions of funding, this is to ensure the Scottish
Government are provided VfM whilst not cutting back on Quality.

LEAP Sports Scotland has not received any funding from Aberdeenshire

Please also advise if LEAP Sports Scotland have been rolling out training
in any of your local authority Schools?  If so please state what schools
have received LEAP Sports Scotland?

We are not aware of any training being rolled out to schools by LEAP
Sports Scotland.  


Please contact me as the officer responsible for responding to your
request if you have any further queries.

If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with this response, please refer
to the further information below.


Yours faithfully



Freedom of Information Co-ordinator

Education & Children's Services



Further Information:

Aberdeenshire Council’s Review Procedure under the Freedom of Information
(Scotland) Act 2002 and the Environmental Information (Scotland)
Regulations 2004 can be accessed at the following link:


This e-mail may contain privileged information intended solely for the use
of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you have received this
e-mail in error, please accept our apologies and notify the sender,
deleting the e-mail afterwards. Any views or opinions presented are solely
those of the e-mail's author and do not necessarily represent those of
Aberdeenshire Council.

Dh’fhaodadh fiosrachadh sochaire, a tha a-mhàin airson an neach gu bheil
am post-dealain air a chur, a bhith an seo. Ma tha thu air am post-dealain
fhaighinn mar mhearachd, gabh ar leisgeul agus cuir fios chun an neach a
chuir am post-dealain agus dubh às am post-dealain an dèidh sin. ’S e
beachdan an neach a chuir am post-dealain a tha ann an gin sam bith a
thèid a chur an cèill agus chan eil e a’ ciallachadh gu bheil iad a’
riochdachadh beachdan Chomhairle Shiorrachd Obar Dheathain.
