Composition and costs of running the council
Dear Burpham Parish Meeting,
This is a freedom of information request made under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I am writing to request a copy of the exact boundaries of the Council and exact the ward boundaries (if applicable), preferably in the form of a map.
I am also formally requesting a full list of the following:
all councillors;
all councillors political party affiliation;
all councillors claimed allowances and expenses:
all councillors’ declaration of interests;
all councillors attendance records for all council meetings, committees and official council functions;
how much the cost of the previous ordinary/general council elections cost;
all vacancies which have occurred on the council since the previous election of members to the council;
how many of the vacancies on the council were filled by co-option;
how many vacancies on the council were filled by election after the submission of a petition calling an election;
how much each vacancy cost to advertise;
how much each co-option to fill a vacancy cost;
how much each election to fill a vacancy cost;
how much the annual council meeting cost;
how much each ordinary council meeting cost;
how much each extraordinary/special council meeting cost;
the reason(s) for each extraordinary/special council meeting.
Yours faithfully,
J Nelson
Dear Burpham Parish Meeting,
I am writing to remind you of your obligations under the Freedom of information act. I am still awaiting a response to my freedom of information request and it has been longer than the usual 20 working days.
I would expect this request to be complied with within the 40 working day maximum time scale allowed by the Freedom of Information Act.
Failure to comply in the timescale will result in an internal review being requested and may result in referral to the information commissioner.
Yours faithfully,
J Nelson
Mr Nelson
We are a Parish Meeting not a Parish Council/Councillors and do not claim any expenses/running costs I am happy to give as much information as possible if you still require it.
Yours faithfully
Paul Challen
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