Composition and costs of running the council

The request was successful.

Dear West Chiltington Parish Council,

This is a freedom of information request made under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

I am writing to request a copy of the exact boundaries of the Council and exact the ward boundaries (if applicable), preferably in the form of a map.

I am also formally requesting a full list of the following:
all councillors;
all councillors political party affiliation;
all councillors claimed allowances and expenses:
all councillors’ declaration of interests;
all councillors attendance records for all council meetings, committees and official council functions;
how much the cost of the previous ordinary/general council elections cost;
all vacancies which have occurred on the council since the previous election of members to the council;
how many of the vacancies on the council were filled by co-option;
how many vacancies on the council were filled by election after the submission of a petition calling an election;
how much each vacancy cost to advertise;
how much each co-option to fill a vacancy cost;
how much each election to fill a vacancy cost;
how much the annual council meeting cost;
how much each ordinary council meeting cost;
how much each extraordinary/special council meeting cost;
the reason(s) for each extraordinary/special council meeting.
Yours faithfully,

J Nelson

West Chiltington Parish Council

Dear Sirs
Please provide a postal address and the Parish Council will respond
formally in writing.
Tony Thomas
Clerk to West Chiltington Parish Council
In a message dated 16/01/2012 12:31:33 GMT Standard Time,
[FOI #100595 email] writes:

     Dear West Chiltington Parish Council,
     This is a freedom of information request made under the provisions
     of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
     I am writing to request a copy of the exact boundaries of the
     Council and exact the ward boundaries (if applicable), preferably
     in the form of a map.
     I am also formally requesting a full list of the following:
     all councillors;
     all councillors political party affiliation;
     all councillors claimed allowances and expenses:
     all councillors’ declaration of interests;
     all councillors attendance records for all council meetings,
     committees and official council functions;
     how much the cost of the previous ordinary/general council
     elections cost;
     all vacancies which have occurred on the council since the previous
     election of members to the council;
     how many of the vacancies on the council were filled by co-option;
     how many vacancies on the council were filled by election after the
     submission of a petition calling an election;
     how much each vacancy cost to advertise;
     how much each co-option to fill a vacancy cost;
     how much each election to fill a vacancy cost;
     how much the annual council meeting cost;
     how much each ordinary council meeting cost;
     how much each extraordinary/special council meeting cost;
     the reason(s) for each extraordinary/special council meeting.
     Yours faithfully,
     J Nelson
     Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
     [FOI #100595 email]
     Is [West Chiltington Parish Council request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
     requests to West Chiltington Parish Council? If so, please contact
     us using this form:
     Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be
     published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
     If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your
     web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.

Dear West Chiltington Parish Council,

Under section 8.1.b of the Freedom Of Information Act asks for an "address for correspondence", and that the email address provided is sufficient to qualify as an "address for correspondence". If you have technical problems or difficulties in regards to processing this request with respect to replying electronically, I would be happy to assist you in that regard.

Yours faithfully,

J Nelson

Dear West Chiltington Parish Council,

A formal freedom of information request was made on 16 January and a request for a postal address was made. The disclosing of a postal address was declined and the relevant section of the Freedom of Information act which stated no such postal address was required and that an e-mail address was sufficient was provided.

The request is now long overdue, if the request is not dealt with promptly this matter may be referred to the information commissioner.

Yours faithfully,

J Nelson

Dear Mr Thomas,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of West Chiltington Parish Council's handling of my FOI request 'Composition and costs of running the council'.

This request is now long overdue and has not been responded to within the time frames set out in the Freedom of Information Act. I would also like to remind that a failure to adequately conduct an internal review may result in referral to the Information Commissioner, in order to obtain an adequate response to this Freedom of Information request.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

J Nelson

J Nelson left an annotation ()

This FOI request has been complained to the Information Commissioner and is being dealt with by the Information Commissioner. A decision notice has been issued in the case. The council have been reminded of their obligations under the freedom of information act and must issue a response or refusal notice within 35 working days of 28 January 2013. Failure to do so shall result in the Information Commissioner going to the high Court and citing the Council for contempt.

J Nelson left an annotation ()

This request was responded to by post by the Local Authority with a legal correspondence threatening legal action if the information is redistributed,