Good Morning Mr Roberts
I can confirm that there have been no completion notices issued for Non-Domestic Rates since 01/06/2023
If you would like a r...
Good afternoon
The council has considered your request and can provide the following information:
1. How many summons regarding non-payment of counci...
Dear Josef,
I can confirm that this Authority have only extended two Leases under the 1993 legislation.
Date of Completion Premium paid Section 60 co...
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your email.
Please see below for answers to the questions raised in your Freedom of Information request:
1.A - How man...
Good morning Debra
Please accept my apologies for the delay of this response.
The requested information is attached in excel format.
If you would li...
Good afternoon
The Council has considered your request in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and can provide the following response:...
Good Morning
Attached is a list of our NDR liabilities, from April 2024 this information will be published on our website.
If you would like a review...
Good afternoon
The council has considered your request and can provide the following information:
1. How much council tax arrears was passed to enfor...
Dear Mr Davids,
I have included a response to your questions below.
1. For your environmental health teams (e.g pest control, domestic nuisance, food...
Good morning,
Please see below for responses to the Freedom of Information request you submitted to North Warwickshire Borough Council.
1) In the fin...
Good afternoon,
Please see below for the response to your Freedom of Information Request.
Question 1:
• Parking Fines (PCNs) Bristow & Sutor
• Counci...
Dear Jacob
Thank you for your enquiry.
Our homelessness case management and housing register software are provided by Capita.
We have been using Cap...
Good Morning
The requested information can be found on our website and is available to download in Excel format.
The necessary link to locate this inf...
Dear Brodie,
Please find my response below:
1. The number of complaints received for dog fouling in the last year
(September 2023 - August 2024)...
Good afternoon
Please find the requested information below.
1 0
2 Bristow and Sutor
3 Yes those cases are included and 0 cases were referred to our...
Dear [Name Removed]
Please see below for information requested.
1. How many British Muslim employees have you recruited? Please provide figures for e...
Dear Naomi,
Please find below details as requested.
1). Water complaints 2021 - 3
2022 - 3
2023 - 0
2a). 2021 - 1
2022 - 1
2023 - 0
2b). 0
2c). 0...
Good morning,
Please see below for the response to your FOI request:
Mail is Birmingham Post and Royal Mail.
Hybrid Mail is CFH and the contract is d...
Dear Paul,
Please find below information as requested. Attached are the pitch fees.
1) How many football pitches were the council responsible for...
Hello Adam
Thank you for your enquiry.
(1) There were no Afghan refugees houses in temporary accommodation as of April 2023.
(2) None
(3) N/A
Dear Ms Smith,
Apologies for the delay. I have just received the response from Birmingham Dogs Home.
Unfortunately, they do not have the info on amou...
Hi Naomi
Thank you for your email.
North Warwickshire Borough Council do not directly award grants or funding to businesses, however there is an allo...
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your email.
In response toy our question, I have been advised that:
No wind projects have been submitted
No solar or...
Dear Mr Scroggie,
Your e-mail below has been forwarded to me to respond to.
I can confirm that Councillor Hayes (nee Macdonald) has attended the foll...
Dear Michael,
Please find attached a word document in response to your request for information.
If you would like a review of the response to your re...