Complete Water quality reports for BA12 region ZONE 24 DUNKERTON

Adam Banks made this Environmental Information Regulations request to Wessex Water Services Limited
You only have a right in law to access information about the environment from this authority
This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

The request was successful.

Dear Wessex Water Services Limited,

Due to a gradual decline in water quality in the region, in recent weeks I have requested water quality reports for the BA12 - ZONE 24 DUNKERTON region for the years 2013 - 2017, and half year 2018. I received the result for 2013-2017, but note that in 2017 some tests were redacted from the results, most notably test "B010 Pesticides : Total". I also note that a significant amount of tests you conduct are simply omitted finding it highly unlikely that you would jump your test labelling from C003 Enterococci to C007 22C 3 day Plate Count. Where and what are test reference COO4 - COO6 as an example.

Therefore my First request is to receive complete un-redacted yearly test results from 2013 to 2017 (in the same format as previously sent (a yearly over view with the categories "Reference, Parameter Description, No of Samples, Taken in Period, PCV, Value Unit, Percentage of Samples Contravening PCV, Minimum, Mean, Maximum.) with no tests omitted as in the example above.

My Second request is to receive the half year result of these test for 2018 for all tests carried out.

My Third request is an answer to the question "Does Wessex water specifically test for glyphosates and oestrogen levels in the water" and if so to receive the results of these tests over the last 5 calendar years. If not, why not.

Finally, I had asked for details of consent given to new businesses within the last 12 months to discharge non-household sewage (trade effluent) to the public sewer (so businesses who have only in that time commenced discharging trade effluent into the public sewer. Please provide this list. Note, I am not asking for all businesses with consent, only new businesses given consent in the previous 12 months that previously were not discharging trade effluent into the public sewer.

Yours faithfully,

Adam Banks

Dave Jones (Env), Wessex Water Services Limited

Dear Mr Banks,
Thank you for your request for information, which we are dealing with under the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

With regard to your fourth question, we would be grateful if you could clarify the area for which you would like information on trade effluent discharges. Would you like the information for the BA12/Zone 24 Dunkerton area, or for the region served by Wessex Water?

If you would like to discuss your request further in order for us to be able to fully respond to you, please do not hesitate to contact me at the address shown at the end of this email.

It is our intention to have the information made available to you within 20 working days after receiving your request. If the request proves unduly complicated or the volume of information involved makes it impractical to comply with the request within the 20 working day period we will let you know and provide the information within 40 working days of receiving your request.

There are a limited number of exemptions that may prevent us from releasing the information but we will try to answer your request in as much detail as possible.

Once the information has been identified, Wessex Water may also ask that a fee be paid for processing and providing the information to you. You will be notified as soon as possible with the details of any fee to be charged in connection with your request.

Any future correspondence you may have in relation to this matter should be sent to me at the address shown below.

Kindest regards,
Dave Jones MIEnvSc CEnv
Regulatory Scientist
Wessex Water - Environment & Catchments Team

Regional Operations Centre
Claverton Down
Bath, BA2 7WW
email: [email address]
Tel: 01225 52 6000

show quoted sections

Dear Dave Jones (Env),

Your email address is blocked to protect from Spam so I have to reply here.

With regard to the fourth question, I would like the information for the the region served by Wessex Water that could impact the BA12/Zone 24 Dunkerton area.

In relation to the exemptions you mention, I would like to know what these exemptions are and why such should be of more importance that the right of someone to know what they are drinking and the related health implications.

In relation to any fee, I don't think this should enter into a request where the health and safety of your customers is concerned. You should be pleased in share this information.

Yours sincerely,

Adam Banks

Dear Dave Jones (Env),

I have already answered your question.

"With regard to your fourth question, we would be grateful if you could clarify the area for which you would like information on trade effluent discharges. Would you like the information for the BA12/Zone 24 Dunkerton area, or for the region served by Wessex Water?"

However if you prefer I answer with one of the two options, then I chose the latter, the region served by Wessex Water. Only NEW permissions in the last 12 months as specified.

Yours sincerely,

Adam Banks

Dave Jones (Env), Wessex Water Services Limited

4 Attachments

Dear Mr Banks,

Thank you for your additional email and clarification regarding your
request for information originally received by us on the 24th July 2018.


I can confirm that Wessex Water does hold information of the type you have
requested.  Under the Regulations, Wessex Water has a duty to individuals
requesting information to make that information available on request,
unless one of the exceptions contained within the Environmental
Information Regulations 2004 applies.    This email and attachment
provides an initial response to your request – we will provide additional
details to respond to your question on trade effluent consents as soon as
possible and within the 20 working day time limit set by the Environmental
Information Regulations 2004.  


Question 1 - Un-redacted yearly water quality test results for Dunkerton
Water Quality Zone

The zone reports show a summary of all the compliance samples taken from
customer taps within the area within a year. Some parameters such as total
pesticides and glyphosates do not appear in some of the reports as there
is no longer a regulatory requirement to sample for them in that area. 
Compliance sampling requirements are set out in the Water Supply (Water
Quality) Regulations 2016 (as amended) . The requirements for pesticide
sampling are detailed in the guidance for the regulations, and state that
monitoring strategies should be based on risk. Wessex Waters monitoring
strategy is under continual review and pesticides, including glyphosate
continue to be monitored for in the source water.


The test reference you refer to is a reference defined by the Drinking
Water Inspectorate which is unique to each parameter. The list of test
references (which is available on the Inspectorates website, or a copy of
the list is attached) includes over 800 parameters. Test references which
don't appear in the zone report are for parameters which are not required
to be sampled for compliance purposes in that area. These references are
therefore missing from the reports not because the test results have been
omitted but because the tests were not required to be taken.


The zone reports provided are therefore a summary of the full list of
compliance test results for that zone. No compliance data has been


Question 2 – Half year water quality results for all tests carried out for
Dunkerton Water Quality Zone

A water quality zone report for 2018 does not yet exist as a full annual
set of data is first required. As requested, we have attached a summary of
all the 2018 compliance data from January to May 2018.  June and July 2018
sample analysis is not yet complete so cannot be provided.


Question 3 – Wessex Water testing for glyphosates and oestrogen levels in
the water

I can confirm that whilst Wessex Water does not test for glyphosates from
customer taps in your area, levels are monitored in the raw (source) water
at the treatment works. Please see attached a summary of the results. The
level of Glyphosate in all samples was less than the limit of detection.


Wessex Water do not test for oestrogen in water supplies.  There is
currently no regulatory requirement to do so as there is no evidence that
drinking water is a significant source of exposure. Please follow this
link for more information on the Drinking Water Inspectorates website:


Wessex Water is part of the national Chemical Investigation Programme
Phase 2 (CIP2) which is investigating the presence and concentration of a
wide range of chemicals, which includes oestrogen, in sewage as well as
the concentration found in rivers and stream.  All 10 water and sewerage
companies in England and Wales are involved and Wessex Water has monitored
30 of our Sewage Treatment Works and surrounding rivers and streams where
the final treated waste water is discharged.  Further details of the CIP2
investigation can be found in the attached leaflet.


Question 4 – details of new trade effluent consents given to businesses
within the past 12 months (Wessex Water region)

We will collate and provide to you a list of the relevant trade effluent
consents requested as soon as possible and within the 20 working day time
limit set by the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.


On this occasion, we have waived a fee but we reserve the right to charge
in accordance with the fees published on our web site for any future


If I can be of any further assistance in the meantime, please do not
hesitate to contact me at the address below.  


If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request for
environmental information, you may request an internal review.  Internal
review requests should be submitted within 40 working days of the date of
this response and should be addressed to
 [2][Wessex Water request email].   


If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the internal review, you may
apply without charge to the Information Commissioner, who will consider
whether we have complied with our obligations under the Environmental
Information Regulations and who will require us to remedy any problems. 
You can find out more about how to do this and about the EIRs in general
on the Information Commissioner’s website at [3] 
Complaints to the Information Commissioner may be made via the “report a
concern” section of the Information Commissioner’s website.


Kindest regards,

Dave Jones MIEnvSc CEnv


Regulatory Scientist

Wessex Water - Environment & Catchments Team


Regional Operations Centre

Claverton Down

Bath, BA2 7WW

email: [4][email address]

Tel: 01225 52 6000




show quoted sections

Ruth Barden, Wessex Water Services Limited

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Banks,


Further to the email from my colleague, Dave Jones, dated 31^st July,
please find attached the detail relating to your final question.


Question 4 – details of new trade effluent consents given to businesses
within the past 12 months (Wessex Water region)

At the time of our initial response we were still processing this
information due to its complex nature.  Please find attached a spreadsheet
listing the new permanent and temporary trade effluent permits issued by
Wessex Water between 1^st July 2017 and 31^st July 2018.  This covers the
whole Wessex Water sewerage region.


The spreadsheet consists of two worksheets:

o Temporary agreements issued- these requests are reviewed during the
application process and granted for a maximum of 6 months.  These are
typically for low risk activities.
o Permanent consents issued- there are two types of consent listed in
this worksheet:

o LoA- Letter of Authority: A permanent trade effluent consent,
where a review of the application stage deems it to be a very low
risk activity, due to low volumes and composition.
o TE Consent: A permanent trade effluent consent, where a review of
the application stage deems consent limits to be required.


On this occasion, we have waived a fee but we reserve the right to charge
in accordance with the fees published on our web site for any future


If I can be of any further assistance in the meantime, please do not
hesitate to contact me at the address below.  


If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request for
environmental information, you may request an internal review.  Internal
review requests should be submitted within 40 working days of the date of
this response and should be addressed to
 [1][Wessex Water request email].   


If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the internal review, you may
apply without charge to the Information Commissioner, who will consider
whether we have complied with our obligations under the Environmental
Information Regulations and who will require us to remedy any problems. 
You can find out more about how to do this and about the EIRs in general
on the Information Commissioner’s website at [2] 
Complaints to the Information Commissioner may be made via the “report a
concern” section of the Information Commissioner’s website.


Kind regards,




Director of Environmental Strategy



Please think before printing this e-mail






From: Dave Jones (Env)
Sent: 31 July 2018 16:08
To: '[FOI #500946 email]'
<[FOI #500946 email]>
Subject: RE: Environmental Information Regulations request - Complete
Water quality reports for BA12 region ZONE 24 DUNKERTON


Dear Mr Banks,

Thank you for your additional email and clarification regarding your
request for information originally received by us on the 24th July 2018.


I can confirm that Wessex Water does hold information of the type you have
requested.  Under the Regulations, Wessex Water has a duty to individuals
requesting information to make that information available on request,
unless one of the exceptions contained within the Environmental
Information Regulations 2004 applies.    This email and attachment
provides an initial response to your request – we will provide additional
details to respond to your question on trade effluent consents as soon as
possible and within the 20 working day time limit set by the Environmental
Information Regulations 2004.  


Question 1 - Un-redacted yearly water quality test results for Dunkerton
Water Quality Zone

The zone reports show a summary of all the compliance samples taken from
customer taps within the area within a year. Some parameters such as total
pesticides and glyphosates do not appear in some of the reports as there
is no longer a regulatory requirement to sample for them in that area. 
Compliance sampling requirements are set out in the Water Supply (Water
Quality) Regulations 2016 (as amended) . The requirements for pesticide
sampling are detailed in the guidance for the regulations, and state that
monitoring strategies should be based on risk. Wessex Waters monitoring
strategy is under continual review and pesticides, including glyphosate
continue to be monitored for in the source water.


The test reference you refer to is a reference defined by the Drinking
Water Inspectorate which is unique to each parameter. The list of test
references (which is available on the Inspectorates website, or a copy of
the list is attached) includes over 800 parameters. Test references which
don't appear in the zone report are for parameters which are not required
to be sampled for compliance purposes in that area. These references are
therefore missing from the reports not because the test results have been
omitted but because the tests were not required to be taken.


The zone reports provided are therefore a summary of the full list of
compliance test results for that zone. No compliance data has been


Question 2 – Half year water quality results for all tests carried out for
Dunkerton Water Quality Zone

A water quality zone report for 2018 does not yet exist as a full annual
set of data is first required. As requested, we have attached a summary of
all the 2018 compliance data from January to May 2018.  June and July 2018
sample analysis is not yet complete so cannot be provided.


Question 3 – Wessex Water testing for glyphosates and oestrogen levels in
the water

I can confirm that whilst Wessex Water does not test for glyphosates from
customer taps in your area, levels are monitored in the raw (source) water
at the treatment works. Please see attached a summary of the results. The
level of Glyphosate in all samples was less than the limit of detection.


Wessex Water do not test for oestrogen in water supplies.  There is
currently no regulatory requirement to do so as there is no evidence that
drinking water is a significant source of exposure. Please follow this
link for more information on the Drinking Water Inspectorates website:


Wessex Water is part of the national Chemical Investigation Programme
Phase 2 (CIP2) which is investigating the presence and concentration of a
wide range of chemicals, which includes oestrogen, in sewage as well as
the concentration found in rivers and stream.  All 10 water and sewerage
companies in England and Wales are involved and Wessex Water has monitored
30 of our Sewage Treatment Works and surrounding rivers and streams where
the final treated waste water is discharged.  Further details of the CIP2
investigation can be found in the attached leaflet.


Question 4 – details of new trade effluent consents given to businesses
within the past 12 months (Wessex Water region)

We will collate and provide to you a list of the relevant trade effluent
consents requested as soon as possible and within the 20 working day time
limit set by the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.


On this occasion, we have waived a fee but we reserve the right to charge
in accordance with the fees published on our web site for any future


If I can be of any further assistance in the meantime, please do not
hesitate to contact me at the address below.  


If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request for
environmental information, you may request an internal review.  Internal
review requests should be submitted within 40 working days of the date of
this response and should be addressed to
 [4][Wessex Water request email].   


If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the internal review, you may
apply without charge to the Information Commissioner, who will consider
whether we have complied with our obligations under the Environmental
Information Regulations and who will require us to remedy any problems. 
You can find out more about how to do this and about the EIRs in general
on the Information Commissioner’s website at [5] 
Complaints to the Information Commissioner may be made via the “report a
concern” section of the Information Commissioner’s website.


Kindest regards,

Dave Jones MIEnvSc CEnv


Regulatory Scientist

Wessex Water - Environment & Catchments Team


Regional Operations Centre

Claverton Down

Bath, BA2 7WW

email: [6][email address]

Tel: 01225 52 6000




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