Complete Non-Residential / Business Property Rates Data (Q4 2017)

The request was successful.

Dear Mid Suffolk District Council,

In terms of the Freedom of Information Act of 2000, and subject to section 40(2) on personal data, could you please provide me with a complete and up-to-date list of all business (non-residential) property rates data for your local authority, and including the following fields:

- Billing Authority Reference Code (linking the property to the VOA database reference)
- Firm's Trading Name (i.e. property occupant)
- Full Property Address (Number, Street, Postal Code, Town)
- Occupied / Vacant
- Date of Occupation / Vacancy
- Actual annual rates charged (in Pounds)

If you are unable to provide an absolute “Occupation / Vacancy” status, please provide the Exemptions and / or Reliefs that a particular property may be receiving.

Please provide this as machine-readable as either a CSV or Microsoft Excel file, capable of re-use, and under terms of the Open Government Licence.

I last requested this data three months ago, and this is a request for an updated and current dataset.

I'm sure you get many requests for business rates and responding and managing these FOIs must be costly for you. Could I request that - as more than 53% of local authorities already do - you update and release this dataset via a dedicated page on your local authority website or on an open data service. I can recommend approaches for you to consider, and you should find that this reduces the time and cost of this request process.

Yours faithfully,

Gavin Chait

Data Protection,

1 Attachment

Dear Sir,

Further to your recent FOI request, please see the attached letter.

Kind regards,

Data Protection Team
Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils – Working Together
T. 0300 1234000
E: [email address]

John Booty,

Dear Gavin Chait,


Ref Babergh District Council & Mid-Suffolk District Council FOI BF654 1718


Thank you for your email dated 09 October 2017 requesting information
under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. You have requested
the following information:


A complete and up-to-date list of all business (non-residential) property
rates data for your local authority, and including the following fields:


- Billing Authority Reference Code (linking the property to the VOA
database reference)

- Firm's Trading Name (i.e. property occupant)

- Full Property Address (Number, Street, Postal Code, Town)

- Occupied / Vacant

- Date of Occupation / Vacancy

- Actual annual rates charged (in Pounds)


In response to your request, Under Section 21 of the Act, we are not
required to provide information in response to a request if it is already
reasonably accessible to you. The information you requested is available
from the council’s website at
  If you do not have access to the internet at home, you may be able to
use facilities at your local public library or at the Council’s Service
Centre, or you can request a paper copy by contacting me.


The information supplied to you continues to be protected by the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.  You are free to use it for your
own purposes, including any non-commercial research you are doing and for
the purposes of news reporting.  Please contact me at the above address if
you wish to re-use the information for commercial purposes so that the
appropriate licence can be issued, in some instances a fee will be


Information you receive continues to be protected by the copyright of the
person, or organisation, from which the information originated.  You must
ensure that you gain their permission before reproducing any third party
(non Babergh District Council or Mid-Suffolk District Council Copyright)


If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your
request and wish to make a complaint or request an review of our decision,
you should write to the Head of Legal Services, Council Offices, Corks
Lane, Hadleigh. IP7 6SJ.

If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may apply
directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision.  Generally, the
Information Commissioner's Office cannot make a decision unless you have
exhausted the complaints procedure provided by Babergh District Council or
Mid-Suffolk District Council.  The Information Commissioner can be
contacted at:  The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House,
Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.


If you have any queries about this email, please contact me. Please
remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.


John Booty

Performance & Relationship Manager


Shared Revenues Partnership - providing Revenues & Benefits Services to
Babergh, Ipswich and Mid Suffolk

Help plan the future of Ipswich!


( 01473 432651 or 07342 075921 – Monday to Thursday

+  Shared Revenues Partnership
        Ipswich Borough Council
        Grafton House, 15/17 Russell Road
        Ipswich, IP1 2DE

ü Before printing this e-mail, ask yourself whether you need a hard copy

From: Gavin Chait [[3]mailto:[FOI #437103 email]]

Sent: 09 October 2017 12:25

To: FOI requests at Mid Suffolk District Council

Subject: Freedom of Information request - Complete Non-Residential /
Business Property Rates Data (Q4 2017)


Dear Mid Suffolk District Council,


In terms of the Freedom of Information Act of 2000, and subject to section
40(2) on personal data, could you please provide me with a complete and
up-to-date list of all business (non-residential) property rates data for
your local authority, and including the following fields:


- Billing Authority Reference Code (linking the property to the VOA
database reference)

- Firm's Trading Name (i.e. property occupant)

- Full Property Address (Number, Street, Postal Code, Town)

- Occupied / Vacant

- Date of Occupation / Vacancy

- Actual annual rates charged (in Pounds)


If you are unable to provide an absolute “Occupation / Vacancy” status,
please provide the Exemptions and / or Reliefs that a particular property
may be receiving.


Please provide this as machine-readable as either a CSV or Microsoft Excel
file, capable of re-use, and under terms of the Open Government Licence.


I last requested this data three months ago, and this is a request for an
updated and current dataset.


I'm sure you get many requests for business rates and responding and
managing these FOIs must be costly for you. Could I request that - as more
than 53% of local authorities already do - you update and release this
dataset via a dedicated page on your local authority website or on an open
data service. I can recommend approaches for you to consider, and you
should find that this reduces the time and cost of this request process.


Yours faithfully,


Gavin Chait



Visible links
3. mailto:[FOI #437103 email]

John Booty,

Dear Gavin Chait


Ref Babergh District Council & Mid-Suffolk District Council FOI MF655 1718


Thank you for your email dated 09 October 2017 requesting information
under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. You have requested
the following information:


A complete and up-to-date list of all business (non-residential) property
rates data for your local authority, and including the following fields:


- Billing Authority Reference Code (linking the property to the VOA
database reference)

- Firm's Trading Name (i.e. property occupant)

- Full Property Address (Number, Street, Postal Code, Town)

- Occupied / Vacant

- Date of Occupation / Vacancy

- Actual annual rates charged (in Pounds)


In response to your request, Under Section 21 of the Act, we are not
required to provide information in response to a request if it is already
reasonably accessible to you. The information you requested is available
from the council’s website at
  If you do not have access to the internet at home, you may be able to
use facilities at your local public library or at the Council’s Service
Centre, or you can request a paper copy by contacting me.


The information supplied to you continues to be protected by the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.  You are free to use it for your
own purposes, including any non-commercial research you are doing and for
the purposes of news reporting.  Please contact me at the above address if
you wish to re-use the information for commercial purposes so that the
appropriate licence can be issued, in some instances a fee will be


Information you receive continues to be protected by the copyright of the
person, or organisation, from which the information originated.  You must
ensure that you gain their permission before reproducing any third party
(non Babergh District Council or Mid-Suffolk District Council Copyright)


If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your
request and wish to make a complaint or request an review of our decision,
you should write to the Head of Legal Services, Council Offices, Corks
Lane, Hadleigh. IP7 6SJ.

If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may apply
directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision.  Generally, the
Information Commissioner's Office cannot make a decision unless you have
exhausted the complaints procedure provided by Babergh District Council or
Mid-Suffolk District Council.  The Information Commissioner can be
contacted at:  The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House,
Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.


If you have any queries about this email, please contact me. Please
remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.


John Booty

Performance & Relationship Manager


Shared Revenues Partnership - providing Revenues & Benefits Services to
Babergh, Ipswich and Mid Suffolk

Help plan the future of Ipswich!


( 01473 432651 or 07342 075921 – Monday to Thursday

+  Shared Revenues Partnership
        Ipswich Borough Council
        Grafton House, 15/17 Russell Road
        Ipswich, IP1 2DE

ü Before printing this e-mail, ask yourself whether you need a hard copy

From: Gavin Chait [[3]mailto:[FOI #437103 email]]

Sent: 09 October 2017 12:25

To: FOI requests at Mid Suffolk District Council

Subject: Freedom of Information request - Complete Non-Residential /
Business Property Rates Data (Q4 2017)


Dear Mid Suffolk District Council,


In terms of the Freedom of Information Act of 2000, and subject to section
40(2) on personal data, could you please provide me with a complete and
up-to-date list of all business (non-residential) property rates data for
your local authority, and including the following fields:


- Billing Authority Reference Code (linking the property to the VOA
database reference)

- Firm's Trading Name (i.e. property occupant)

- Full Property Address (Number, Street, Postal Code, Town)

- Occupied / Vacant

- Date of Occupation / Vacancy

- Actual annual rates charged (in Pounds)


If you are unable to provide an absolute “Occupation / Vacancy” status,
please provide the Exemptions and / or Reliefs that a particular property
may be receiving.


Please provide this as machine-readable as either a CSV or Microsoft Excel
file, capable of re-use, and under terms of the Open Government Licence.


I last requested this data three months ago, and this is a request for an
updated and current dataset.


I'm sure you get many requests for business rates and responding and
managing these FOIs must be costly for you. Could I request that - as more
than 53% of local authorities already do - you update and release this
dataset via a dedicated page on your local authority website or on an open
data service. I can recommend approaches for you to consider, and you
should find that this reduces the time and cost of this request process.


Yours faithfully,


Gavin Chait