Complete Non-Residential / Business Property Rates Data

The request was successful.

Dear Pembrokeshire Council,

In terms of the Freedom of Information Act of 2000, could you please provide me with a complete and up-to-date list of all business (non-residential) property rates data for your local authority, and including the following fields:

- Billing Authority Reference Code (linking the property to the VOA database reference)
- Firm's Trading Name (i.e. property occupant)
- Full Property Address (Number, Street, Postal Code, Town)
- Occupied / Vacant
- Date of Occupation / Vacancy
- Actual annual rates charged (in Pounds)

If you are unable to provide an absolute “Occupation / Vacancy” status, please provide the Exemptions and / or Reliefs that a particular property may be receiving.

Please provide this as machine-readable as either a CSV or Microsoft Excel file, capable of re-use, and under terms of the Open Government Licence.

We last requested this data more than six months ago, and this is a request for an updated and current dataset.

I'm sure you get many requests for business rates and we intend to update this national series every six months. Could we request that - as more than 30% of local authorities already do - you update and release this dataset via a dedicated page on your local authority website or on an open data service. You should find that this reduces the time and cost of this request process.

Yours faithfully,

Gavin Chait

Freedom Of Information, Pembrokeshire County Council

If you have received this email in error, please notify us by telephone on 01437 764551 and delete it from your computer immediately. Os ydych chi wedi derbyn yr e-bost hwn trwy gamgymeriad, byddwch cystal â rhoi gwybod inni trwy ffonio 01437 764551. Wedyn dylech ddileu’r e-bost ar unwaith oddi ar eich cyfrifiadur.

Thank you for contacting Pembrokeshire County Council. We acknowledge receipt of your request for information.

Depending upon the nature of your request it will be processed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

In either case a response will be issued no later than 5 December 2016, which is the 20 working day statutory timescale. If we require additional time we will inform you in accordance with the legislation.

Responses to requests for information are routinely published on the Council’s website: disclosure log. If you find the information you have requested is already available on our website please contact us to cancel your request.

Kind regards,

The FOI Team
Pembrokeshire County Council
County Hall
SA61 1TP

Tel: 01437 775380
Email: [E-bost cais Pembrokeshire County Council]

We welcome correspondence in Welsh and English. We will respond in the language in which the correspondence is received (unless you ask us to do otherwise). / Byddwn yn ymateb yn yr un iaith â’r ohebiaeth a dderbyniwyd (oni bai eich bod yn gofyn i ni wneud yn wahanol).

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Freedom Of Information, Pembrokeshire County Council

2 Attachments

If you have received this email in error, please notify us by telephone on
01437 764551 and delete it from your computer immediately. Os ydych chi
wedi derbyn yr e-bost hwn trwy gamgymeriad, byddwch cystal â rhoi gwybod
inni trwy ffonio 01437 764551. Wedyn dylech ddileu’r e-bost ar unwaith
oddi ar eich cyfrifiadur.


Dear Gavin Chait,


This is to inform you that your request has been considered and our
response is provided in the attached document.  We trust this information
meets your requirements at this time and we believe this request is
complete and now closed. Should any further information be requested
regarding this topic, a separate request will need to be submitted.


If you believe you have not been provided with the information you
requested, you have the right to request an internal review.  Our Internal
Review Policy can be viewed on our [1]website.  Internal review requests
should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the
response to your original request, and should be addressed to:


Katy Holman

Information Governance & Freedom of Information Officer

Pembrokeshire County Council

County Hall


SA61 1TP

[2][Pembrokeshire County Council request email]


If you are not satisfied following the outcome of a review, you can make
an appeal to the Information Commissioner, who is the statutory regulator.
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:


Information Commissioner’s Office

2^nd Floor,

Churchill House

Churchill Way


CF10 2HH




Yours sincerely,


The FOI Team

On behalf of Katy Holman

Information Governance & Freedom of Information Officer

Pembrokeshire County Council

County Hall


SA61 1TP


Tel: 01437 775380

Email: [4][Pembrokeshire County Council request email]



We welcome correspondence in Welsh and English.  We will respond in the
language in which the correspondence is received (unless you ask us to do
otherwise).  /  Byddwn yn ymateb yn yr un iaith â’r ohebiaeth a
dderbyniwyd (oni bai eich bod yn gofyn i ni wneud yn wahanol).




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Dim ond y sawl y mae'r ddogfen hon wedi'i chyfeirio atynt ddylai ei
darllen, a'i defnyddio ganddynt ar gyfer ei dibenion bwriadedig; ac ni
ddylid fel arall ei hatgynhyrchu, copio, lledaenu, datgelu, addasu,
dosbarthu, cyhoeddi na'i rhoi ar waith chwaith. Os ydych chi wedi derbyn
yr e-bost hwn trwy gamgymeriad, byddwch cystal a rhoi gwybod i ni ar
unwaith trwy ffonio 01437 764551 a'i ddileu oddi ar eich cyfrifiadur ar
unwaith. Ni ddylid rhoi'r cyfeiriad e-bost i unrhyw drydydd parti na'i
ddefnyddio ar gyfer unrhyw ddiben arall chwaith.

Gwefan Cyngor Sir Penfro -  [7]

Sylwer: Mae negeseuon e-bost sy’n cael eu hanfon a’u derbyn yn cael eu
monitro’n rheolaidd ar gyfer cydymffurfio â’n Diogelwch TG, a’n Polisi

Mae'r llofnod hwn hefyd yn cadarnhau bod y neges e-bost hon wedi cael ei
harchwilio am fodolaeth firysau cyfrifiadurol a chod maleisus.

Cyngor Sir Penfro
Rhif ffôn  01437 764551
E-bost [8][email address]

Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg a Saesneg a byddwn yn ymateb cyn
pen 15 diwrnod gwaith fan bellaf. Byddwn yn ymateb yn yr un iaith â’r
ohebiaeth a dderbyniwyd (oni bai eich bod yn gofyn i ni wneud yn wahanol).

Os am gopi mewn print mawr, fformat hawdd ei ddarllen, Braille, sain neu
mewn iaith arall, cysylltwch â’r person a anfonodd yr e-bost hwn.




Visible links
2. mailto:[Pembrokeshire County Council request email]
4. mailto:[Pembrokeshire County Council request email]
6. mailto:[email address]
8. mailto:[email address]