This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Complete Non-Residential / Business Property Rates Data (Q3 2018)'.

Dear Mr. Chait,

I refer to your email of the 2nd May 2018 and attach a copy of information requested

If you are dissatisfied with the response to your request, under the Authority's FOI Policy, you may appeal in writing setting out the reasons why you think the decision is erroneous, to the Authority's Monitoring Officer at the following address:-

Head of Legal Services & Monitoring Officer
Civic Centre
Port Talbot
SA13 1PJ
FOI Team
[E-bost cais Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council]

In the event that you appeal and are dissatisfied with that response, you may then appeal direct to the Information Commissioner, whose address is:

Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,
SK9 5AF.

Yours faithfully
FOI Team
[E-bost cais Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council]

We welcome correspondence in Welsh and will deal with Welsh and English correspondence to the same standards and timescales.
Croesewir gohebiaeth yn y Gymraeg a byddwn yn ymdrin â gohebiaeth Gymraeg a Saesneg i’r un safonau ac amserlenni

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Mae'r e-bost hwn ac unrhyw ffeiliau a drosglwyddir gydag ef yn gyfrinachol ac at ddefnydd yr unigolyn neu'r corff y cyfeiriwyd hwy atynt yn unig. Os ydych wedi derbyn yr e-bost hwn mewn camgymeriad, dylech hysbysu'r person a anfonodd yr e-bost ar unwaith. Hefyd, sylwer nad oes unrhyw sicrwydd nad yw'r e-bost hwn neu unrhyw ymgysylltiad yn rhydd o firws ac nad yw chwaith wedi'i ryng-gipio na'i newid.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gavin Chait [mailto:[cyfeiriad ebost]]
Sent: 02 May 2018 05:14
To: FOI Team <[E-bost cais Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council]>
Subject: Re: FW: Freedom of Information request - Complete Non-Residential / Business Property Rates Data (Q2 2018)

Dear FOI Team,

For clarity, there are two reference systems used by the VOA. The one is your property reference, the other is the UPRN. I am not asking for the UPRN, but for the reference you use to integrate your systems with the VOA. Are you able to provide that? In the VOA definitions, that is known as the "billing authority reference".

Yours sincerely,

Gavin Chait

-----Original Message-----

Mr. Chait,
Further to your additional request in relation to your FOI, please note that the VOA use our property reference and not the UPRN, the fact we do not hold all UPRN's does not affect our ability to correspond with the VOA.

FOI Team

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[cyfeiriad ebost]

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