Complaints concerning boats at Angel moorings in LB of Islington
Dear Islington Borough Council,
Please provide details of any complaints made to the council relating to boats moored on the Regents Canal.
I understand that details of any named persons will be redacted out of your response, however if there have been multiple compaints made by the same person please indicate this by for example refering to them as "person A" or similar.
Yours faithfully,
Mike Wells
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Kind regards,
The Information Governance team
Technology Solutions Group
Islington Council
Room G17
Town Hall
Upper street
N1 2UD
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Dear FOIA,
Thank you for your reply.
Please include in this FoI request any communication you hold between yourselves and the Canal and River Trust regarding the moorings above and also between yourselves and any other party on this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Mike Wells
Thank your for your email. If your email concerns a Freedom of Information
request to Islington Council, your email has been received and will be
processed shortly.
Kind regards,
The Information Governance team
Technology Solutions Group
Islington Council
Room G17
Town Hall
Upper street
N1 2UD
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Dear Mike Wells
Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act request, received on
17/07/2013. Your request has been processed, and your unique reference
number is FOI 485738. Please make note of this reference number should you
need to contact us about your request.
Our team has sent your request to the appropriate service area within
Islington Council, and an officer from that team will respond directly to
your request.
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at
[Islington Borough Council request email]
Kind regards,
Information Governance Team
Digital Services
Finance and Resources
Islington Council
Room G17, Town Hall, Upper Street, London N1 2UD
Email: [Islington Borough Council request email]
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Dear Mr Wells,
Further to your request for information below, please could you clarify the type of complaint information you are seeking, for example, noise, pollution etc.
Yours sincerely,
Information Governance Team
Digital Services
Finance and Resources
Islington Council
Room G17, Town Hall, Upper Street, London N1 2UD
Email: [Islington Borough Council request email]
Dear FOIA,
I am referring to complains regarding noise, and air quality, or any other matter concerning the residents of houses in Noel Road and the boats moored on the Regents Canal at Angel.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Mike Wells
Thank your for your email. If your email concerns a Freedom of Information
request to Islington Council, your email has been received and will be
processed shortly.
Kind regards,
The Information Governance team
Technology Solutions Group
Islington Council
Room G17
Town Hall
Upper street
N1 2UD
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Dear Skerritt, Ciddra,
Thank you very much for providing this information
Yours sincerely,
Mike Wells
Dear Skerritt, Ciddra,
As suggested in my initial request please can you indicate how many complainants there are in the situation regarding boats at Angel moorings?
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Mike Wells
Dear Mr Wells
Your email today has been forwarded to the department that coordinated the initial response.
Ciddra Skerritt
Finance & Resources Manager
Environment & Regeneration
Islington Council
222 Upper Street
London, N1 1YA
Tel: 020 7527 4332
Alternative contact: Janet Sheehan 0207 527 2229
Dear Skerritt, Ciddra,
I do not wish to burden Islington with work. I with withdraw my request for further information. I now consider this request for information complete. Thanks very much for your help.
Yours sincerely,
Mike Wells
Thank you for your email. I am out of the office until September 2nd 2013.
If your email is FOI related please contact Emma Kidd, 0207 527 2350.
Other queries, please contact:
Janet Sheehan
Mail to:[email address]
Tel: 0207 527 2229
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Dear Mike Wells,
Please find attached the above mentioned subject.
Dawn Forte-Khan
Divsional Assistant (Temp)
Environment & Regeneration
Islington Council
222 Upper Street
London, N1 1YA
Tel: 020 7527 3216
Alternative contact: Janet Sheehan 0207 527 2229
This e-mail is intended for the addressee only. If you have received it in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from your computer. Please be aware that information in this email may be confidential, legally privileged and/or copyright protected.
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Alan Fincher left an annotation ()
Are you aware that where you have published a detailed file of all the complaints and correspondence that whilst the downloadable version in PDF format has been redacted to protect names and contact details, the "View as HTML" version is currently showing all this information in the clear?
One imagines that in many cases neither the complaining residents, nor the owners of the boats being complained about would expect to find all this personal information on the Internet in plain view.
Surely this information needs to be urgently redacted, although as I am aware of Facebook pages now displaying it, it is probably too late to give back anonymity to those involved.