Compensation Payments

Northern Ireland Water Limited did not have the information requested.

Dear Northern Ireland Water Limited, under the terms of the freedom of information act 2000 I require the following:-

1 information on how to make a claim for compensation against ni water (no water for 7 days to date and no information when supply will be restored)

2 information on all compensation claims made against ni water in the past 3 years to include the duration for which the applicant had no water supply and the compensation awarded (please note I do not want any personal data such as names or addresses so there should be no data protection issues to prevent the release of this information) as this compensation is paid from the public purse one presumes detailed records are kept and I would expect it to be easy to recover within the time / costs as stipulated by the foi act 2000

I expect the release of this information within 20 working days as stipulated in the foi act

Yours faithfully,

Seriously Peeved 7 days with no water and counting!

Waterline, Northern Ireland Water Limited

Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]themeData
Link: [3]colorSchemeMapping

Updated 31/12/10 at 09:00

NI Water is continuing to deal with interruptions to water supplies across
the province as a result of the severe weather and ongoing thaw.

As a result of the high water demand, primarily due to a number of leaks
and bursts, a number of our reservoirs are currently at low levels. We are
currently trying to recharge the water network by alternating supplies,
meaning that some customers will experience a loss of water for a period
of time. It is anticipated that any interruption will only last a few
hours and supplies will be restored in as timely a manner as possible. For
the latest information on the disruption affecting our network, please
visit [4]

We would strongly urge all customers, property owners and key holders to
check their premises, including vacant buildings, outbuildings and animal
drinking troughs for leaks and arrange for them to be repaired as soon as

We would also ask customers to reduce water usage where possible during
this period of disruption in order to allow us to fully recharge our water
network. This will maximize the availability of water to all customers
across the province.

Due to the unprecedented volume of emails we are currently, a number of
customers have experienced a longer waiting time than usual for a
response. We apologise for this inconvenience.

NI Water would like to thank our customers for their patience while we
answer their calls and emails, and work to restore full supplies.

Kind Regards

NI Water Customer Care

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1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01CBA8C9.9A5C3C60
2. file:///tmp/~~themedata~~
3. file:///tmp/~~colorschememapping~~

McGlennon, Stephen, Northern Ireland Water Limited

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Porter,

Please find enclosed a copy of our information leaflet and an
acknowledgement letter.

Kind regards,

Stephen McGlennon
northern ireland water
Information Management Unit (IMU),
15th Floor,
Windsor House,
9-15 Bedford Street,
Telephone: 02890 354813 Ext: 29031
Fax: 02890 357642 (29030)
Web: [1]

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail


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Gee, Andrew, Northern Ireland Water Limited

1 Attachment

Dear Mr. Porter,

Please see attached NI Water's reply to your query.


Andrew Gee

On behalf of

John Collins
Information Manager

Northern Ireland Water
Information Management Unit (IMU),
15th Floor,
Windsor House,
9-15 Bedford Street,

Telephone: 02890 354813 Ext: 29032
Fax: 02890 357642 (29030)
Web: [1]

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