Companies doing DBS checks
Dear Disclosure and Barring Service,
I would like to make a similar request to FOI reference 1611. I would like to obtain a list of all potential employer names and the seperate volumes of Basic and Enhanced paper/online applications submitted in the financial year December 2019 to December 2020. To accommodate for s.40 (personal data exemption), please discount employer names that have less than 5 instances/uses in the period (or whatever cut-off that makes it possible under FOI).
For the same period, I would like to obtain a list of all “positions applied for” (question 61 on the DBS application), identifying whether it was a standard or enhanced check (question 63) and listing the “organisation name” associated with the check (question 62). If you decide that the organisation name cannot be revealed, please complete the request without this.
Yours faithfully,
Bob Robert
Good morning,
Thank you for contacting the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Freedom of Information (FOI) team.
Your request is being handled according to the FOI Act 2000 and you can expect a response within 20 days.
In any future correspondence regarding this request please quote reference number FOI 2038.
Kind regards
Official Correspondence Manager
Chairman and Chief Executives Office
Disclosure and Barring Service
Shannon Court
10 Princes Parade
Princes Dock
L3 1QY
Tel: 0300X 200 190 | Follow us on Twitter: @dbsgovuk
Good afternoon,
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request Ref number FOI 2038.
Could you please clarify the exact date range you require the requested information for i.e. do you mean 01/12/19 to 30/11/20 or for the 13 month period of 1/12/19 - 31/12/20?
Kind regards
Official Correspondence Manager
Chairman and Chief Executives Office
Disclosure and Barring Service
Shannon Court
10 Princes Parade
Princes Dock
L3 1QY
Tel: 0300X 200 190 | Follow us on Twitter: @dbsgovuk
I meant 01/12/19 to 30/11/20. When can I expect a response?
Yours sincerely,
Bob Robert
Dear Mr Robert
Thank you for clarifying your request for information from the Disclosure and Barring Service; I have passed the details to the relevant team and asked them to collate the information for you.
We will aim to respond to your request by 3rd March 2021.
Kind regards
Good morning,
Thank you for contacting the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Freedom of Information (FOI) team.
I can confirm your request has been handled in accordance with the FOI Act 2000.
Please see the attached PDF response and accompanying data provided in the Excel spreadsheet.
Kind regards
Official Correspondence Manager
Chairman and Chief Executives Office
Disclosure and Barring Service
Shannon Court
10 Princes Parade
Princes Dock
L3 1QY
Tel: 0300X 200 190 | Follow us on Twitter: @dbsgovuk
Can I have the total Enhanced, Standard and Grand total checks done by Registered Body organisations?
So it would be
Org name / Enhanced_Disclosure / Standard Dislosure / Grand Total
Org 1 100,000 100,000 200,000
Org 2 50,000 50,000 100,000
Yours sincerely,
Bob Robert
Dear Mr Robert,
Thank you for contacting the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Freedom of Information (FOI) team.
Your request is being handled according to the FOI Act 2000. Please quote your reference number 2063 in any future correspondence.
Can you please confirm over what period you would like this request to cover? We can then proceed with your request.
Kind regards,
01/12/19 to 30/11/20. When can I expect a response?
Yours sincerely,
Bob Robert
Dear Mr Robert,
Thank you for your further email in relation to your request for information in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (2000). The Act provides that public authorities should aim to respond within 20 working days of a request.
In this instance you should expect to receive a response by no later than 20th April, but should the information be available before that we will aim to respond in the shortest time possible.
I hope that this has helped to explain the position.
Kind regards
Dear Mr Robert,
Thank you for contacting the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Freedom of Information (FOI) team.
Please see the attached PDF response and Excel Table which I hope are of assistance.
Kind regards
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