Community Services
Dear South East London Integrated Care Partnership,
Hello FOI Team,
I would like to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding the following healthcare services:
1. Musculoskeletal/Physiotherapy:
- What are the contractual performance KPIs for this service?
- Is this service provided through a framework or contract? Could you provide the name of the supplier(s)?
- What is the actual spend on this contract/framework (and any sub-lots) from the start of the contract to the current date?
- What is the start date and duration of the framework/contract?
- If there are multiple suppliers, are the contracts aligned with the aim of going to procurement as a single large service? If so, when do you envisage this occurring?
- Please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when this contract was last advertised.
- Is there an extension clause in the framework(s)/contract(s) and, if so, what is the duration of the extension?
- Has a decision been made on whether the framework(s)/contract(s) are being extended or renewed?
- What are your healthcare goals for this service over the next five years - innovation, waitlist reduction, or something else?
- Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this contract?
- What is the name/title of the person they report to?
2. Pain:
- Do you currently have a community service provision? If not, would you consider having one?
- What are the contractual performance KPIs for this service?
- Is this service provided through a framework or contract? Could you provide the name of the supplier(s)?
- What is the actual spend on this contract/framework (and any sub-lots) from the start of the contract to the current date?
- What is the start date and duration of the framework/contract?
- Please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when this contract was last advertised.
- Is there an extension clause in the framework(s)/contract(s) and, if so, what is the duration of the extension?
- Has a decision been made on whether the framework(s)/contract(s) are being extended or renewed?
- What are your healthcare goals for this service over the next five years - innovation, waitlist reduction, or something else?
- Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this contract?
- What is the name/title of the person they report to?
3. Mental Health Counselling:
- Do you currently have a community service provision? If not, would you consider having one?
- Can you confirm if any element of the service is subcontracted? If so, which sections and to whom, and what is the value of the subcontract?
- What is the actual spend on this contract/framework (and any sub-lots) from the start of the contract to the current date?
- What is the start date and duration of the framework/contract?
- Please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when this contract was last advertised.
- Is there an extension clause in the framework(s)/contract(s) and, if so, what is the duration of the extension?
- Has a decision been made on whether the framework(s)/contract(s) are being extended or renewed?
- What are your healthcare goals for this service over the next five years - innovation, wait list reduction, or something else?
- Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this contract?
- What is the name/title of the person they report to?
4. General:
What is your strategic approach to joint working to achieve your future goals?
Thank you for your assistance.
Yours faithfully,
Huw Richards Physio
Dear Huw Richards Physio,
RE: Freedom of Information Request
I am writing to formally acknowledge your request for information, I can
confirm your request was received on 23 October 2023 by NHS South East
London ICB.
The reference for your request is shown below.
FOI.23.SEL260 NHS South East London ICB
An initial investigation is currently taking place into whether the
information you have requested is held by the ICB and if so, whether it
can be released in accordance with the legislation. We will aim to provide
a response within 20 working days.
Any fees applicable to this request will be detailed in writing as soon as
they can be determined. Your request will then be placed on hold and you
will have the choice of whether to proceed with your request. Should any
clarification of your request be required we will advise you accordingly.
If you require any assistance, or would like to discuss your request,
please do not hesitate to contact us quoting the reference numbers above.
Yours sincerely,
Freedom of Information Team
[1][email address]
160 Tooley Street
Dear Huw Richards Physio,
RE: FOI.23.SEL260 NHS South East London ICB
I am writing to apologise for the delay in responding to your Freedom of
Information request, received 23 October 2023.
Unfortunately, we are still in the process of gathering the information
required to respond to your request accordingly. Once we have this
information, we will send our response to you as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Freedom of Information Team
[1][email address]
160 Tooley Street
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this message to anyone. In such case, please delete this message, and
notify us immediately. Opinions, conclusions and other information
expressed in this message are not given or endorsed by NHS South East
London ICS unless otherwise indicated by an authorised representative
independently of this message.
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Dear Huw Richards Physio,
Please find attached the response to FOI.23.SEL260 on behalf of South East
London ICB.
Please accept our apologies for the long delay in providing this response
to your FOI request.
Kind Regards,
Freedom of Information Team
[1][email address]
160 Tooley Street
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this message to anyone. In such case, please delete this message, and
notify us immediately. Opinions, conclusions and other information
expressed in this message are not given or endorsed by NHS South East
London ICS unless otherwise indicated by an authorised representative
independently of this message.
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Dear Huw Richards Physio,
Further to our earlier email, please find Appendices 1-6 attached. We
apologise for not including these before.
Kind Regards,
Freedom of Information Team
[1][email address]
160 Tooley Street
From: FOI (NHS South East London ICB) <[email address]>
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2023 2:43 PM
To: Huw Richards Physio <[email address]>
Subject: FOI.23.SEL260 Final Response
Dear Huw Richards Physio,
Please find attached the response to FOI.23.SEL260 on behalf of South East
London ICB.
Please accept our apologies for the long delay in providing this response
to your FOI request.
Kind Regards,
Freedom of Information Team
[3][email address]
160 Tooley Street
Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to. Privileged
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are not the original addressee indicated in this message (or responsible
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this message to anyone. In such case, please delete this message, and
notify us immediately. Opinions, conclusions and other information
expressed in this message are not given or endorsed by NHS South East
London ICS unless otherwise indicated by an authorised representative
independently of this message.
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1. mailto:[email%20address]
3. mailto:[email%20address]
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