Community equipment services (provision of Daily Living Aids)

The request was partially successful.

Dear North Lincolnshire Council,

I am researching the varying provision of community equipment services (“CES”) throughout the UK.

A community equipment service provides daily living aids such as crutches, commodes, profiling beds, etc. This service might be known under a different name locally, such as a joint equipment store or an equipment loan service. The service may also provide other equipment in addition to daily living aids.

Please could you answer the following questions separately under the Freedom of Information Act:

1) Is an outsourced organisation (or organisations) used to deliver the service? If so, what is their name?
2) Does the service provide other services or equipment in addition to daily living aids? If so, what are they?
3) For how long has the outsourced organisation(s) been providing the service?
4) If your service is shared or commissioned with other authorities, please name the other authorities and state who is the lead/coordinating commissioner?
5) When was the service last tendered?
6) When will the service next be tendered?
7) When does the current contract expire? Please provide details of any potential contract extensions.
8) Is equipment purchased separately, e.g. through a framework agreement rather than via the provider organisation? Please state the names of any agreements if so.
9) How much was spent on the service in the last financial year?
10) What is the size of the population covered by the service?
11) How many registered users does the service have?
12) Re: patient choice. Does the service routinely operate on Saturday or Sunday?
13) Re: patient choice. Does the service routinely operate after 5pm, Monday to Friday?
14) Re: patient satisfaction. Please provide the results of the latest patient survey?

If a specific question cannot be answered, please state why.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully,

Stellan Sigg

Information Governance Team,

Dear Stellan Sigg,

Thank you for your request which was received on 10th February. The
estimate response date for your request is the 10th March.

Should you have any queries, amendments or additions relating to this
request, please remember to quote the reference number above in any future

Yours Faithfully

Information Governance Team
North Lincolnshire Council

Information Governance Team,

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    Information Disclosure FOI2023 00242.odt

    641K Download

Dear Stellan Sigg,

I am writing in response to your request for information, that was
received on the 10th February. Please find our Information Disclosure
letter attached.

If we can be of any further assistance with regard to this request please
let us know quoting the above reference number.

Yours sincerely,

Information Governance Team
North Lincolnshire Council