Community Dental Services Treatment Waiting Times Wales, Adult and Children

The request was successful.

Dear Powys Teaching Health Board,

1. Please can you confirm how many adults are currently on an NHS Community Dental Service waiting list, waiting to receive treatment, and have been waiting for:
1a. up to 1 month
1b. 1-3 months
1c. 3-6 months
1d. 6-12 months
1e. 12-18 months
1f. 18-24 months
1g. 24 months+

2. Please can you confirm how many children are currently on an NHS Community Dental Service waiting list, waiting to receive treatment, and have been waiting for:
2a. up to 1 month
2b. 1-3 months
2c. 3-6 months
2d. 6-12 months
2e. 12-18 months
2f. 18-24 months
2g. 24 months+

Yours faithfully,

Lucy Jones

Powys FOI (PTHB), Powys Teaching Health Board

Please accept this email as an acknowledgement of your request for
information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. We will endeavour
to manage your request in accordance with the procedures laid down by the

Please refer to our leaflet
[1] which explains our
obligations in respect of this legislation.  

We would also recommend that you visit our [2]Publication Scheme as the
information you are looking for may already be available on our internet
pages or [3]Disclosure Log. If you find the information you require please
email us to close your request.

In the meantime, we will deal with your request and will write to you
again with our response.  If you have any queries then please do not
hesitate to contact us by replying to this email or on Tel. No. 01874
712763, we will be happy to assist you. Please let us know if you have
specific communication requirements.

Rydym yn croesawu derbyn gohebiaeth yng Nghymraeg. Byddwn yn ateb y fath
ohebiaeth yng Nghymraeg ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at oedi. We welcome
receiving correspondence in Welsh. We will reply to such correspondence in
Welsh and this will not lead to a delay.


FOI Team

A fyddech cystal â derbyn yr e-bost hwn fel cydnabyddiaeth o'ch cais am
wybodaeth o dan Ddeddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000.

Gweler ein taflen [4] sy'n
esbonio ein rhwymedigaethau mewn perthynas â'r ddeddfwriaeth hon.

Rydym hefyd yn argymell eich bod yn ymweld â'n [5]cynllun cyhoeddi gan y
gallai'r wybodaeth yr ydych yn chwilio amdani eisoes fod ar gael ar ein
tudalennau rhyngrwyd neu [6]log datgelu. Os cewch y wybodaeth sydd ei
hangen arnoch, anfonwch e-bost atom i gau eich cais.

Yn y cyfamser, byddwn yn ymdrin â'ch cais ac yn ysgrifennu atoch eto
gyda'n hymateb.  Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau, mae croeso i chi
gysylltu â ni drwy ymateb i'r e-bost hwn neu drwy ffonio 01874 712763,
byddwn yn hapus i'ch cynorthwyo. Rhowch wybod i ni os oes gennych chi
unrhyw ofynion cyfathrebu penodol.

Rydym yn croesawu derbyn gohebiaeth yng Nghymraeg. Byddwn yn ateb y fath
ohebiaeth yng Nghymraeg ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at oedi. We welcome
receiving correspondence in Welsh. We will reply to such correspondence in
Welsh and this will not lead to a delay.


Tîm rhyddid gwybodaeth

Os nad chi sydd i fod i dderbyn yr e-bost hwn, a wnewch roi gwybod i bwy
bynnag wnaeth ei anfon trwy e-bost a dinistrio pob copi.  Ni chaniateir
agor, defnyddio, datgelu, storio na chopïo’r e-bost.  Barn neu sylwadau’r
awdur yw’r rhai sydd yn yr e-bost ac nid ydynt o anghenraid yn cynrychioli
barn Bwrdd Iechyd addysgu Powys heblaw bod hynny wedi’i nodi.  Mae’n
bosibl y gellir datgeli’r wybodaeth sydd yn yr e-bost hwn dan Ddeddf
Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000, Rheoliadau Gwybodaeth Amgylcheddol 2004 a
Rheoliad Diogelu Data Cyffredinol.  Oni bai bod y wybodaeth wedi’i
heithrio rhag cael ei datgelu dan y gyfraith, ni allwn sicrhau
cyfrinachedd yr e-bost hwn ac unrhyw ateb iddo.  Cyn agor yr e-bost hwn ac
unrhyw atodiadau, a wnewch eu gwirio rhag firysau gan nad yw’r Bwrdd
Iechyd yn gallu sicrhau nad ydynt heb firws ac nad ydynt wedi’u
rhyng-gipio na’u diwygio.

If you are not the intended recipient of this email, please inform the
sender by return email and destroy all copies.  Unauthorised access, use,
disclosure, storage or copying is not permitted.  Any views or opinions
expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the
views of Powys teaching Health Board unless otherwise explicitly stated. 
The information contained in this email may be subject to disclosure under
the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Environmental Information Regulations
2004 and the General Data Protection Regulation.  Unless the information
is legally exempt from disclosure, the confidentiality of this email and
any reply cannot be guaranteed.  Please check for viruses before accessing
this email and any attachments since the Health Board cannot guarantee
that these are virus free or have not been intercepted and amended.


Visible links

Powys FOI (PTHB), Powys Teaching Health Board

Good morning

Further to our correspondence, I am writing to let you know we are still in the process of collating the information you requested.

Due to the nature and complexity of your request we are unlikely to be able to respond to you within the required twenty working days.

Please accept our apologies for this delay, however, we hope to send you the remaining information by 08/09/2023 at the latest. If you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.


IG Team

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Powys FOI (PTHB), Powys Teaching Health Board

1 Attachment

Good afternoon

Please find attached our response to your request.

Cofion cynnes | Kind regards

IG Team

Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys, Ysbyty Bronllys, Aberhonddu, Powys LD3 0LY | Powys Teaching Health Board, Bronllys Hospital, Brecon, Powys LD3 0LY

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