Community Centres

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Wrexham County Borough Council should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Wrexham County Borough Council,
Please provide the following budget information 2014/15 for the WCBC Community Centre closure programme:

1. What is the total amount included in the Council budget for the potential redundancy costs of staff associated with the closure of Community Centres?
2 What is the total amount included in the Council budget for the potential costs to ensure any closed Community Centres are appropriately secured for H and S reasons?
3. What is the total cost included in the Council budget for the demolition costs associated with community centres that get closed?

Please provide the following budget information 2014/15 for the WCBC closure programme for Plas Madoc Leisure Centre:
1. What is the total amount included in the Council budget for the potential redundancy costs of staff associated with the closure of PMLC?
2. How many of the staff working in PMLC have an 'open' contract for working for WCBC with no specific place of work?
3. What is the total amount included in the Council budget for the potential costs to secure PMLC prior to demolition?
4. What is the total cost included in the Council budget for the demolition costs associated with PMLC if it closes?

Yours faithfully,

Carol Thomas

foi, Wrexham County Borough Council

3 Attachments

Dear Ms. Thomas

Please find attached acknowledgement of your request for information.


Kevin Plant
Assistant Archivist / Records Manager
Archifydd Cynorthwyol / Rheolwr Cofnodion

show quoted sections

foi, Wrexham County Borough Council

3 Attachments

Dear Ms Thomas

Further to your request for information. Can you please clarify the following part of your request for our Human Resource Service:

How many of the staff working in PMLC have an 'open' contract for working for WCBC with no specific place of work?

At WCBC we have the following types of contract: permanent, temporary or fixed term, relief of causal. We don’t understand the term 'open' contract and therefore are not able to the question at present which links to specific place of work.

Until we receive clarification we can not process this part of your request.

Thank you

I look forward to hearing from you


Esther Williams
Archivist/Records Manager
Archifydd/Rheolwr Cofnodion

//01978 297470
0 Wrexham Archives and Local Studies Service, Wrexham County Borough Museum & Archives,
Regent Street, Wrexham, LL11 1RB
RRArchifau a Gwasanaeth Astudiaethau Lleol Wrecsam, Amgueddfa Bwrdeistref Sirol ac Archifdy
Wrecsam, Stryt y Rhaglaw, Wrecsam, LL11 1RB

show quoted sections

Dear foi,

Please send the breakdown of the figures in the categories you have indicated

Yours sincerely,

Carol Thomas

foi, Wrexham County Borough Council

Dear MS Thomas

Thank you for clarifying your request. I have passed this on to the department concerned


Esther Williams
Archivist/Records Manager
Archifydd/Rheolwr Cofnodion

//01978 297470
0 Wrexham Archives and Local Studies Service, Wrexham County Borough Museum & Archives,
Regent Street, Wrexham, LL11 1RB
RRArchifau a Gwasanaeth Astudiaethau Lleol Wrecsam, Amgueddfa Bwrdeistref Sirol ac Archifdy
Wrecsam, Stryt y Rhaglaw, Wrecsam, LL11 1RB

show quoted sections

foi, Wrexham County Borough Council

5 Attachments

Dear Ms Thomas


Attached, please find a response to your request





Esther Williams

Archivist/Records Manager

Archifydd/Rheolwr Cofnodion


( 01978 297470

*   Wrexham Archives and Local Studies Service, Wrexham County Borough
Museum & Archives,

       Regent Street, Wrexham, LL11 1RB

* Archifau a Gwasanaeth Astudiaethau Lleol Wrecsam, Amgueddfa Bwrdeistref
Sirol ac Archifdy

       Wrecsam, Stryt y Rhaglaw, Wrecsam, LL11 1RB

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