Communications with MHRA/CHM regarding Valneva COVID-19 vaccine

The request was refused by Department of Health and Social Care.

Kenneth MacArthur

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

Please could you provide a copy of all communications to date between, on the one hand, ministers and senior civil servants in the Department of Health and Social Care (or their offices), and, on the other hand, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and/or the Commission on Human Medicines (CHM) regarding the Valneva COVID-19 vaccine candidate.

Yours faithfully,

Kenneth MacArthur

Department of Health and Social Care

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Thank you for contacting the Department of Health and Social Care. 

We are currently experiencing very high volumes of enquiries and we are
focusing our resources on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) response.

If your enquiry is in relation to the pandemic, the Government has
launched a COVID-19 ‘hub’, which can be found
at [1] and is regularly updated. 

The answers to many other questions can be found on [2]GOV.UK,
the [3]Department of Health and Social Care website or by visiting
the [4]NHS website. We may not respond to you if the answer to your
enquiry can be found on either of these websites. Where a reply is
appropriate, we aim to send a response within 18 working days, or 20
working days if your query is a Freedom of Information request or
Please note that the department cannot arrange vaccinations. Contact your
GP, clinical commissioning group or call 119. [5]This webpage gives
information on vaccination. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 you must get
tested as soon as possible. The swab test takes less than a minute and is
pain-free. Results from test sites are generally received within 24 hours
of the test being administered. Further information, including what
symptoms to look out for, can be found [6]here.
If your business is interested in helping the Government increase
COVID-19 testing capacity, please visit [7]this webpage. Please note that
the service that was set up for businesses to offer other COVID-19 support
has closed. If you have a product to sell to the NHS, please visit
If you are seeking an exemption from managed quarantine, please see the
advice below. Please note that there may be some delay before you receive
a decision. The team is receiving a great many requests to consider and
apologises if you do not receive a reply as quickly as you had hoped.
To apply for a medical or compassionate exemption, please email
[9][email address] at least 14 days before your travel
date. You should include any medical evidence you want to submit to
support your application.
If you’re arriving from a red list country and need more information about
managed quarantine, contact: [10][email address].
A list of the current exemptions on medical and compassionate grounds can
be found [11]here. A list of the jobs that qualify for exemption can be
found [12]here. 
If you are, or have been, in quarantine and have a complaint about the
hotel, please raise your concerns with the hotel itself in the first
instance. If your complaint is unresolved, please complete the [13]Managed
Quarantine Service Experience Survey. 
If you are writing in connection with an NHS or social care service please
note that the department does not manage health and social services
directly, nor does it process complaints. It also cannot give clinical
advice or intervene in matters concerning patient care or social services.
If you wish to make a complaint about a healthcare professional, an NHS
organisation or a social care provider, please visit [14]this link.

If you would like to raise your concerns about a COVID-19 testing
provider, or have any other NHS Test and Trace enquiries, you can
contact [15]NHS Test and Trace enquiries, feedback and complaints. 

Our [16]Personal information charter and [17]privacy notice explain how we
treat your personal information.


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Department of Health and Social Care

1 Attachment

Dear Mr MacArthur,

Please find attached the Department of Health and Social Care's response
to your recent FOI request (our ref: FOI-1370154).

Yours sincerely, 

Raymond Cheung
Freedom of Information Team
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

In your response to my request, you have stated:
"... to provide the information as it is currently framed would exceed the appropriate cost limit set out in the FOIA."

However, you have not explained how you reached the conclusion that providing the information I requested would exceed the appropriate cost limit.

As the ICO make clear in paragraph 38 of their guidance document "Requests where the cost of compliance exceeds the appropriate limit" (
"It is not a statutory requirement to explain how the estimate has been calculated but it is beneficial to a public authority to do so for the following reasons:
- to enable the requestor to assess the reasonableness of the estimate. This may help to prevent a complaint to the ICO which will avoid further time and costs being expended on the same request;
- if a complaint is made to the Information Commissioner, then he will expect the level of detail, as set out above, to be provided. This may require the public authority to incur further costs in providing this detail. This task may also be complicated by changes in circumstances between the time of the request and the time of the ICO investigation;
- in any event, providing a suitable breakdown is likely to be required as part of a public authority’s statutory obligations under section 16 to provide advice and assistance (for more detail see the relevant content below)."

Bearing the above in mind, could you please now provide me with an explanation of how your estimate was calculated, or of how you otherwise reached the conclusion that the appropriate cost limit would be exceeded, paying particular attention when so doing to the points listed in paragraph 37 of the above-mentioned ICO guidance document.

Yours faithfully,

Kenneth MacArthur

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

It is now over 20 working days since the date of my internal review request.

Please can you respond to my request forthwith.

Yours faithfully,

Kenneth MacArthur

Kenneth MacArthur

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

It is now almost 40 working days since I submitted my internal review request, which is the maximum time permitted to respond to internal review requests.

Please can you ask the team responsible to provide a target date for their response, noting that this is required by ICO guidance (

Yours faithfully,

Kenneth MacArthur

Kenneth MacArthur

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

It is now significantly more than 40 working days since I submitted my internal review request, which is the maximum time permitted to respond to internal review requests.

Please can you advise within the next 5 working days whether you are intending to respond to this internal review request.

Yours faithfully,

Kenneth MacArthur

FreedomofInformation, Department of Health and Social Care

Dear Mr MacArthur,

We apologise for the length of time it has taken to carry out your requested internal review of FOI-1370154.

The Department of Health and Social Care aims to respond to requests for internal reviews within 20 working days. Unfortunately, the Department's response is not yet complete. We are working to provide a response as soon as possible.

Please accept my apologies for this delay.

Yours sincerely,

Freedom of Information Team
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections

Department of Health and Social Care

1 Attachment

Dear Mr MacArthur,
Please find attached our response letter to the internal review of
Once again, please accept our apologies for the delay in replying.
Yours sincerely,
Mr D Stanton
This e-mail and any attachments is intended only for the attention of the
addressee(s). Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not
permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all
copies and inform the sender by return e-mail. Any views expressed in this
message are not necessarily those of the Department of Health and Social
Care. Please note: Incoming and outgoing email messages are routinely
monitored for compliance with our policy on the use of electronic