Communications with JC Musgrave Capital, Northern Land Management, and DCS Industrial (2019/21)
Dear Tees Valley Combined Authority,
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 I wish to see the following:
Full copies of all communications (emails, letters and records of meetings) between JC Musgrave Capital LTD, Northern Land Management LTD, and DCS Industrial LTD with the Mayor of Tees Valley, Ben Houchen.
- Freeports
- Teesport
- Teesworks
- Mayoral Development Corporation Area (MDC)
- South Tees Development Corporation (STDC)
- Project Perseus
Dated 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2021.
Where an email has been identified please disclose the full thread for context.
Please also include any attachments.
Where a meeting has been identified please include the minutes, agendas and briefing materials.
Please also include any other materials that were handed out or received during the meetings, such as presentations, reports, etc..
Yours faithfully,
Joseph Lloyd
Dear Joseph Lloyd,
Thank you for your request. Please can you clarify the purpose of the hyphenated list in your request?
Yours sincerely,
Governance Team
Dear TVCA Governance,
The list covers the search terms I wish you to use the find the relevant email correspondence.
Yours sincerely,
Joseph Lloyd
Dear Joseph Lloyd,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Ref: 34-2023
Thank you for your correspondence received on 21/02/2023.
Your request is being considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. If this request is for information that the Combined Authority holds, you will receive the information requested by 21/03/2023 which is within the statutory timescale of 20 working days.
However, please note the Act defines a number of exemptions that may prevent release of the requested information. There will therefore be an assessment of your request to determine if any exemptions apply to the information requested. If the information cannot be released, or only released in part, you will be informed of the reasons why, together with any rights of appeal.
If the information requested refers to a third party, they may be consulted before deciding whether it can be released.
Yours sincerely,
Governance Team
Dear Mr Lloyd,
We regret to inform you that the response to your FOI request is delayed due to the need for external stakeholder consultation to consider the public interest test concerning the information requested. We apologise for the delay in responding to you and will respond to the request in full on or before 20/04/2023, which is a 20 working day extension from the original deadline in line with ICO guidelines.
Yours sincerely,
Governance Team
Dear Joseph Lloyd,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Ref: 34-2023
Thank you for your correspondence received on 21/03/2023. In response to your request, we can now provide the following information.
You asked for:
Full copies of all communications (emails, letters and records of meetings) between JC Musgrave Capital LTD, Northern Land Management LTD, and DCS Industrial LTD with the Mayor of Tees Valley, Ben Houchen.
- Freeports
- Teesport
- Teesworks
- Mayoral Development Corporation Area (MDC)
- South Tees Development Corporation (STDC)
- Project Perseus
Dated 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2021.
Where an email has been identified please disclose the full thread for context.
Please also include any attachments.
Where a meeting has been identified please include the minutes, agendas and briefing materials.
Please also include any other materials that were handed out or received during the meetings, such as presentations, reports, etc..
Our response:
We do not hold any relevant communications or details of meetings between Ben Houchen and JC Musgrave Capital Ltd, Northern Land Management Ltd, or DCS Industrial Ltd between the dates specified concerning the topics requested.
If you have any queries or concerns please contact [email address] in the first instance.
However, if you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been handled, you may request an internal review within 40 working days by writing to:
Group Chief Executive, Tees Valley Combined Authority, Teesside Airport Business Suite, Teesside International Airport, Darlington. DL2 1NJ.
If, after your complaint has been determined, you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint, you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:
The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Telephone: 0303 123 1113: Website:
The ICO does not make a charge for an appeal.
Yours sincerely,
Governance Team
Tees Valley Combined Authority
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Jack Greenwell left an annotation ()
Is the Combined Authority genuinely claiming no correspondence or notes exist?
That just doesn’t seem credible in the circumstances.
Maybe the Combined Authority has taken a very narrow interpretation of the request to avoid disclosing information?