Communications with Brookfield Asset Management relating to Teesport

The request was successful.

Dear Tees Valley Combined Authority,

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 I wish to see the following:

Full copies of all communications (including emails, letters and records of meetings) with Brookfield Asset Management and the Mayor of Tees Valley and his office relating to the following:

- Freeports
- Teesport
- Teesworks
- Mayoral Development Corporation Area (MDC)
- South Tees Development Corporation (STDC)
- Project Perseus

Dated 01/01/2019 through to 29/10/2021.

Where an email has been identified please disclose the full thread for context. Please also search draft and (where possible) deleted email folders.

Please also include any attachments.

Where a meeting has been identified please include the minutes, agendas and briefing materials.

Please also include any other materials that were handed out or received during the meetings, such as presentations, brochures, reports, and leaflets etc..

Yours faithfully,
Joseph Lloyd

TVCA Governance, Tees Valley Combined Authority

1 Attachment

Dear Joseph


Freedom of Information Act 2000 Ref:  90/2021


Thank you for your correspondence received on the 29^th October 2021 


Your request is being considered under the Freedom of Information Act
2000. If this request is for information that the Combined Authority
holds, you will receive the information requested by Monday 29^th November
2021 which is within the statutory timescale of 20 working days.  


However, please note the Act defines a number of exemptions that may
prevent release of the requested information. There will therefore be an
assessment of your request to determine if any exemptions apply to the
information requested. If the information cannot be released, or only
released in part, you will be informed of the reasons why, together with
any rights of appeal.  


If the information requested refers to a third party, they may be
consulted before deciding whether it can be released.  


Yours sincerely 


Ruth Callaghan | Acting Governance and Business Support Manager

[1][email address]

Tees Valley Combined Authority





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Dear TVCA Governance,

This FOI request is now overdue.

Yours sincerely,

Joseph Lloyd

Dear TVCA Governance,

This FOI request is now long overdue. Can you please advise me when I can expect a full response?

Yours sincerely,

Joseph Lloyd

TVCA Governance, Tees Valley Combined Authority

1 Attachment

Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data

Dear Joseph


Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Ref: 90/2021


Thank you for your correspondence received on 29^th October 2021. In
response to your request I can now provide the following information.   


We have reviewed your request, considered if disclosure would or would be
likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of any person (including the
public authority holding it). Having considered this and balancing the
public interest in openness and transparency and the importance of
accountability for public sector decision making compared with the
commercial interests of the Authority,  its Group and commercial parties
in relation to the ability to conduct commercial negotiation and honour
any commercial agreements, the authority has concluded that that the
exemption contained in section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act
2000 applies. Accordingly we will not be providing any information in
response to your request.


 If you have any queries or concerns please contact me in the first


However, if you are unhappy with the way your request for information has
been handled, you can submit a complaint by writing to:  


Group Chief Executive, Tees Valley Combined Authority, Cavendish
House, Teesdale Business Park, Stockton on Tees, TS17 6QY.   


If, after your complaint has been determined, you remain dissatisfied with
the handling of your request or complaint, you have a right to appeal to
the Information Commissioner at: 


The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.  Telephone: 0303 123 1113:  Website:

The ICO does not make a charge for an appeal.  


Yours sincerely, 



Ruth Callaghan | Acting Governance and Business Support Manager

[4][email address]

Tees Valley Combined Authority



show quoted sections

Dear Tees Valley Combined Authority,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews (Group Chief Executive, Tees Valley Combined Authority).

I am writing to request an internal review of Tees Valley Combined Authority's handling of my FOI request 'Communications with Brookfield Asset Management relating to Teesport'.

As you may be aware, ICO guidance states that the authority is obliged to conduct a public interest test when applying a Section 43 exemption (see:

I am requesting an internal review of my request. If the exemption is upheld, please provide details of the public interest test and how its conclusion was arrived at.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Joseph Lloyd

Dear TVCA Governance,

Please confirm that you have revieved my request for an internal review.

Yours sincerely,

Joseph Lloyd

Peter Judge, Tees Valley Combined Authority

Dear Mr Lloyd,

I acknowledge your email 11th January 2022, with apologies. It has been brought to my attention today having been located in the inbox of a member of staff who has now left the organisation. I will pass you request to the Chief Executive in ordnance with our procedures so that an internal review can be commenced.

Again, please accept our apologies that your request has not been actioned.

Best wishes


Peter Judge | Group Chief Legal Officer (Monitoring Officer)
01642 527200 | 07557 174517
[email address]

Cavendish House, Stockton-on-Tees, TS17 6QY

show quoted sections

Peter Judge, Tees Valley Combined Authority

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Lloyd,

I attach a letter from our Group Chief Executive concerning the Internal Review TVCA's FOI decision in relation to your request.

Peter Judge | Group Chief Legal Officer (Monitoring Officer)
01642 527200 | 07557 174517
[email address]

Cavendish House, Stockton-on-Tees, TS17 6QY

show quoted sections

TVCA Governance, Tees Valley Combined Authority

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Lloyd


We email further to the following:


 1. Your Freedom of Information Request dated 29 October 2021 (‘Original
 2. TVCA’s response to your Original FOIR dated 10 January 2022 (‘TVCA
 3. Your request for an internal review of the TVCA Response received on
11 January 2022 (‘IR Request’)  
 4. TVCA’s response to the IR Request dated 29 March 2022 (‘IR Response’)
 5. Confirmation from the Information Commissioner’s Office that it had
accepted your formal complaint for investigation in relation to how
TVCA had handled your Original FOIR and IR Request (‘ICO Complaint’)


TVCA has now responded to the ICO Complaint whereupon it confirmed that
the correspondence over which it had exercised the exemption under Section
43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 no longer, in the opinion of
TVCA, benefited from that exemption and could now be provided to you, as


Please therefore find attached a copy of a letter from the Mayor of the
Tees Valley, Ben Houchen, to Bruce Flatt, CEO of Brookfield Asset
Management dated 29 October 2021.


Yours sincerely

The Governance Team



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