Communications & Telephony Request

The request was successful.

Dear Institute for Apprenticeships,

Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place?
When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?
Who maintains your telephony system(s)?
Please confirm value of the initial project and value of annual support/maintenance services (in £)?
When is your contract renewal date?

Please confirm the manufacturer of your Contact centre system(s) that are currently in place?
When was the installation date of your contact centre infrastructure?
Who maintains your contact centre system(s)?
Please confirm value of the initial project and value of annual support/maintenance services (in £)?
How many contact centre employees/agents do you have?
When is your contract renewal date?

Do you use Unified Communications or Collaboration tools such as Microsoft Skype for Business/ Cisco/Avaya/Mitel? If yes, what tools are you currently using?

How many employees do you have overall within your organisation?

Who currently provides your calls and lines?
What is your current annual spend on calls and lines?
When is your contract renewal date?
Are you using SIP or ISDN?
Do you use a wide area network?

Thank you in advance for your support in this.

Yours faithfully,

Daniel Leonard

IFA, Enquiries, Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education

4 Attachments

Dear Daniel


Thank you for your request for information received on the 28 November.


We are considering your requests under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. Under the Act we have 20 working days (excluding
weekends and bank holidays) to respond.


We will respond on or before the 30 December.


Yours sincerely


Information and Enquiries Manager
Level 2, Cheylesmore House, 5 Quinton Road, Coventry, CV1 2WT



[2]Title: LinkedIn - Description: LinkedIn  [3]Title: Twitter -
Description: Twitter  [4]Title: GOV.UK - Description: GOV.UK

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IFA, Enquiries, Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education

4 Attachments

Dear Daniel,


We write in response to your requests for information and queries received
by the Institute on the 28 November 2019.

We must advise that requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“
FOI Act”) are requests in writing for recorded information held, or
thought to be held, by a public body and not general questions. There is
no requirement for a public body to record or produce new information in
order to provide a response. We consider that many of your questions are
not valid requests under the FOI Act. However, we are keen to assist and
so have responded to all of your questions as though they are valid
requests under the FOI Act (rather than as general enquiries).




1. Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are
currently in place?

The Institute uses Samsung mobile phones.


2. When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?


Not applicable.


3. Who maintains your telephony system(s)?

Department for Education (DfE).


4. Please confirm value of the initial project and value of annual
support/maintenance services (in £)?


The Institute does not hold information in relation to this request.


5. When is your contract renewal date?

Not applicable. The Institute does not hold this information as the DfE
manages the contract.



Questions 6 – 11 below. The Institute can advise that it does not have a
contact centre so no information is held in relation to these requests:

6. Please confirm the manufacturer of your Contact centre system(s) that
are currently in place?

7. When was the installation date of your contact centre infrastructure?

8. Who maintains your contact centre system(s)?

9. Please confirm value of the initial project and value of annual
support/maintenance services (in £)?

10. How many contact centre employees/agents do you have?

11. When is your contract renewal date?



12. Do you use Unified Communications or Collaboration tools such as
Microsoft Skype for Business/ Cisco/Avaya/Mitel? If yes, what tools are
you currently using?


The Institute uses Microsoft Skype for Business, and Microsoft Teams.


13. How many employees do you have overall within your organisation?


As at 2 December – 164 employees.


14. Who currently provides your calls and lines?



15. What is your current annual spend on calls and lines?


The Institute does not hold this information as the phone contract is with
the DfE.


16. When is your contract renewal date?


Not applicable – see question 5 above.


17. Are you using SIP or ISDN?


The Institute does not hold this information.


18. Do you use a wide area network?


The Institute does not hold this information.


If you have any further queries in relation to this request, please email
me, quoting the reference Leonard 68 in any future communications.

If you are not content with the way your request has been handled, you
should make a complaint to the Institute by writing to me within 40
working days of the date of this email. Your complaint will be considered
by a senior Institute official who was not involved in the original
consideration of your request.


If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint to the
Institute, you may then contact the [1]Information Commissioner’s Office
or phone their helpline on 0303 123 1113.


Yours Sincerely


Information and Enquiries Manager
Level 2, Cheylesmore House, 5 Quinton Road, Coventry, CV1 2WT



[3]Title: LinkedIn - Description: LinkedIn  [4]Title: Twitter -
Description: Twitter  [5]Title: GOV.UK - Description: GOV.UK


From: IFA, Enquiries <[email address]>
Sent: 02 December 2019 14:13
To: Daniel Leonard <[FOI #623889 email]>
Cc: IFA, Enquiries <[email address]>
Subject: Requests for Information ref Leonard 68 - Communications &
Telephony Request


Dear Daniel


Thank you for your request for information received on the 28 November.


We are considering your requests under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. Under the Act we have 20 working days (excluding
weekends and bank holidays) to respond.


We will respond on or before the 30 December.


Yours sincerely


Information and Enquiries Manager
Level 2, Cheylesmore House, 5 Quinton Road, Coventry, CV1 2WT



[7]Title: LinkedIn - Description: LinkedIn[8]Title: Twitter - Description:
Twitter[9]Title: GOV.UK - Description: GOV.UK

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