Requests similar to 'Communications & Telephony Request'

Communications & Telephony Request
Response by Civil Service Commission to Daniel Leonard on .

Long overdue

Good afternoon Daniel,  I am aware my colleague has written to you in response to your Freedom of Information request made to the Civil Service Commi...
Dear Mr Leonard,  Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. I understand from colleagues that you have sent an identical request to both the...
Communications & Telephony Request
Request sent to Social Mobility Commission by Daniel Leonard on .

Information not held

Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Communications & Telephony Request
Response by Office of the Leader of the House of Lords to Daniel Leonard on .

Information not held

Good afternoon Mr Leonard,  I hope this correspondence finds you well.  I am writing from the private office of Baroness Evans of Bowes Park, the Le...
Communications & Telephony Equipment
Request sent to House of Lords by Daniel Leonard on .


After requesting the following information of the Office of the Leader of the House of Lords, they have suggested I ask here instead to find the inform...
Communications & Telephony Request
Request sent to Civil Service Commission by Daniel Leonard on .

Partially successful

Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Communications & Telephony Request
Request sent to Law Commission by Daniel Leonard on .


Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Communications & Telephony Request
Request sent to The Industrial Injuries Advisory Council by Daniel Leonard on .

Partially successful

Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Communications & Telephony Request
Request sent to Committee on Fuel Poverty by Daniel Leonard on .

Long overdue

Dear Fuel Poverty Advisory Group, Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation...
Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Communications & Telephony Request
Request sent to Industrial Development Advisory Board by Daniel Leonard on .

Information not held

Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Communications & Telephony Request
Request sent to Committee on Standards in Public Life by Daniel Leonard on .

Information not held

Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Communications & Telephony Request
Request sent to Advisory Group on Military Medicine by Daniel Leonard on .

Information not held

Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Communications & Telephony Request
Request sent to Nuclear Research Advisory Council by Daniel Leonard on .

Information not held

Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Communications & Telephony Request
Request sent to Advisory Council on National Records and Archives by Daniel Leonard on .

Information not held

Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Communications & Telephony Request
Request sent to Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment by Daniel Leonard on .

Information not held

Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Communications & Telephony Request
Request sent to Scottish Science Advisory Council by Daniel Leonard on .

Information not held

Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Communications & Telephony Request
Request sent to Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody by Daniel Leonard on .

Information not held

Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Communications & Telephony Request
Request sent to Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee by Daniel Leonard on .

Information not held

Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Communications & Telephony Request
Request sent to Social Security Advisory Committee by Daniel Leonard on .

Information not held

Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...
Good Morning   Please find attached response to your request.     Kind Regards Information Governance Department The Dudley Group NHS Fou...
Communications & Telephony Request
Request sent to Judicial Appointments Commission by Daniel Leonard on .

Information not held

Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place? When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?...