Communications & Telephony Equipment
Dear Transport for Greater Manchester,
Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place?
When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?
Who maintains your telephony system(s)?
Please confirm value of the initial project and value of annual support/maintenance services (in £)?
When is your contract renewal date?
Please confirm the manufacturer of your Contact centre system(s) that are currently in place?
When was the installation date of your contact centre infrastructure?
Who maintains your contact centre system(s)?
Please confirm value of the initial project and value of annual support/maintenance services (in £)?
How many contact centre employees/agents do you have?
When is your contract renewal date?
Do you use Unified Communications or Collaboration tools such as Microsoft Skype for Business/ Cisco/Avaya/Mitel? If yes, what tools are you currently using?
How many employees do you have overall within your organisation?
Who currently provides your calls and lines?
What is your current annual spend on calls and lines?
When is your contract renewal date?
Are you using SIP or ISDN?
Do you use a wide area network?
Yours faithfully,
Daniel Leonard
Yours faithfully,
Daniel Leonard
FOIA Ref: 2019/0161
Dear Daniel
We acknowledge with thanks your request for information held by TfGM which
was received at this office on 09/10/2019.
Information requested as set out below:
Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are
currently in place?
When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?
Who maintains your telephony system(s)?
Please confirm value of the initial project and value of annual
support/maintenance services (in £)?
When is your contract renewal date?
Please confirm the manufacturer of your Contact centre system(s) that are
currently in place?
When was the installation date of your contact centre infrastructure?
Who maintains your contact centre system(s)?
Please confirm value of the initial project and value of annual
support/maintenance services (in £)?
How many contact centre employees/agents do you have?
When is your contract renewal date?
Do you use Unified Communications or Collaboration tools such as Microsoft
Skype for Business/ Cisco/Avaya/Mitel? If yes, what tools are you
currently using?
How many employees do you have overall within your organisation?
Who currently provides your calls and lines?
What is your current annual spend on calls and lines?
When is your contract renewal date?
Are you using SIP or ISDN?
Do you use a wide area network?
We write to advise you that your request is being dealt with and
considered under either the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000
(“FOIA”), or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (“EIRs”)
(whichever is deemed most relevant to your request). We will endeavour to
respond to you within 20 working days (counting the first working day
after the request is received as the first day).
Please note that the FOIA and EIRs cover all recorded information held by
a public authority, and does not require that authority to create new
information for the purposes of responding to your request. In some
circumstances there may be a charge applicable, if this is the case, we
will advise you on this in due course.
Please quote the reference number above in any future communications.
Nicola Tetley
Transport for Greater Manchester
2 Piccadilly Place, Manchester M1 3BG
Please note I am out of the office on Monday and Thursday afternoons.
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Dear FOI,
The deadline for the request was Novermber 6th.
Please can you offer an update regarding the request?
Yours sincerely,
Daniel Leonard
Dear Daniel
Apologies, we are still in the process of collating the information and I will revert to you as soon I am able.
Kind regards
Dear Daniel
Apologies for the delay. Please find attached response to your FOI
Kind regards
Nicola Tetley
Transport for Greater Manchester
2 Piccadilly Place, Manchester M1 3BG
Please note I am out of the office on a Wednesday.
Please don't print this email unless you really need to.
This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the
use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed and may contain
confidential and/or privileged information. Any review, retransmission,
dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon
this information by individuals or entities other than the intended
recipient is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient please
notify the sender immediately and delete the email and any attachments. As
a public body, Transport for Greater Manchester may be required to
disclose this email or any response to it under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000, unless the information in it is covered by one of the exemptions
in the Act.
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