We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Joan Corrigan please sign in and let everyone know.

Communication with WHSCT on missing millions

We're waiting for Joan Corrigan to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Equality Commission for Northern Ireland,

In 2021/22 I requested that you investigated the missing millions (42) taken from the learning disabled community services over at least 6 years, at the western Trust because

a) you have an investigation team / dept who should and could do so
b) W Trust taking the money -deprived people with disabilities of statutory services they needed and were entitled to - whilst the non disabled were *not* deprived of their services, by W Trust, which is a violation of Disability discrimination legislation in NI.

You stated
a) you would not investigate
b) that you had had communication and meetings with WHSCT on the matter- which you refused to divulge to me and still refuse.

1.Please provide all emails of communications between all EC staff, and between EC staff and WHSCT/ Dept Health, and between EC staff and any and all Gov Bodies on the topic. Including EC's legal teams. Ms Collins' emails etc.

2.Who decided not to investigate based on what documents , reasoning, and evidence.

3.The length of time EC staff spent communicating with WHSCT/ Dept health on the matter.

4.The minutes of all meetings with WHSCT on the matter.

5. The outcome of the final meetings/ communications with any and all WHSCT staff including legal teams

6. Where the work stands at present and EC's current stance on the matter and WHSCT's final communication with you on the matter, dates, emails, letters.

Yours faithfully,

Joan Corrigan

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Further information on the Commission’s work can be found on our
website [1]www.equalityni.org

If you are contacting us about a potential discrimination complaint then a
Discrimination Advice Officer will aim to be in touch with you within 3
working days.


Visible links
1. http://www.equalityni.org/

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Joan Corrigan please sign in and let everyone know.