Communication with Transport Minister Sadiq Kahn regarding busway
Dear Cambridgeshire County Council,
Labour Transport Minister Sadiq Khan is reported to have said that: "Cambridgeshire County Council had told him [Sadiq Kahn] that it had almost resolved its problems with contractors BAM Nuttall and the project was close to completion"
Please can you confirm whether or not this is true, and if it is tell me what form the communication took. Please provide me with a copy, or if you don't have a copy, what records you have about the content of the communication.
More generally, please provide copies of all communications you have sent to the Department for Transport regarding the Cambridgeshire Guided Bus and Busway since 1st January 2010.
Yours faithfully,
Ian Jackson
Dear Mr Jackson,
Please find attached Cambridgeshire County Council's response to your
request for information.
Please contact me if I can be of any further assistance to you.
Kind regards
Sarah Priestley
Information Governance Officer
Information Governance
From: Ian Jackson [[FOI #30688 email]]
Sent: 12 March 2010 21:11
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Communication with Transport
Minister Sadiq Kahn regarding busway
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Blue
Dear Cambridgeshire County Council,
Labour Transport Minister Sadiq Khan is reported to have said that:
"Cambridgeshire County Council had told him [Sadiq Kahn] that it
had almost resolved its problems with contractors BAM Nuttall and
the project was close to completion"
Please can you confirm whether or not this is true, and if it is
tell me what form the communication took. Please provide me with a
copy, or if you don't have a copy, what records you have about the
content of the communication.
More generally, please provide copies of all communications you
have sent to the Department for Transport regarding the
Cambridgeshire Guided Bus and Busway since 1st January 2010.
Yours faithfully,
Ian Jackson
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