Freedom of Information Team
Department of Health and Social Care
39 Victoria Street
London SW1H 0EU
Dr Sandeep Bansal
By email to:
2 July 2024
Dear Dr Bansal,
Freedom of Information Request Reference FOI-1516072
Thank you for your request dated 24 June to the Department of Health and Social Care
(DHSC), a copy of which can be found in the accompanying annex.
Your request has been handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).
We have considered your request for information, but we are unable to answer it without
further clarification. Section 1(3) of the FOIA does not oblige us to answer requests where
we require further clarification to identify and locate the information requested.
So that we provide you with the right information, we would be grateful if you could clarify
what you mean by the ‘IEA’.
It would also be helpful if you could specify a time period and a particular policy area or
team related to your request. Alternatively, you could specify a time period and request
communication and meetings with ministers only. On receipt of this information, we will
continue to process your request.
Please be aware that we cannot guarantee at this stage that a clarified request will fall
within the FOIA cost limit, or that other exemptions will not apply.
Yours sincerely,
Freedom of Information Team
From: Dr Sandeep Bansal <>
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2024 12:51 AM
To: FreedomofInformation <>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Comms with IEA
Dear Department of Health and Social Care,
Can you please provide me all un-redacted communication between yourselves and the
IEA. Please also give me any meeting dates with them.
If you can categorise the communications into two categories:
1) with Health Ministers
2) Rest of Department of Health
Thank you
Best wishes
Dr Sandeep Bansal