Common Law Duty of Care in HE

University of Winchester did not have the information requested.

Dear University of Winchester,

"Universities have a general duty of care to their students - not to
cause harm by careless acts or omissions – commensurate with their role
and capabilities as settings for adult education" (Universities UK,

Please supply any internal or external university documentation that
explains the nature and extent of this Common Law duty of care, placed
on every member of staff, and owed to each enrolled student.

Yours faithfully,

Maxine Carrick

Stephen Dowell, University of Winchester

Dear Maxine,

In response to your freedom of information request from 20th July:

Student Safety is paramount, and we follow clear health and safety guidelines. Additionally, we also have a robust pastoral and academic support system that is agile and is both pro and re active to student needs, both mental and physical needs. We work collaboratively, within a whole institution approach, to identify students who may need additional support and care. Staff are supported to undertake appropriate training for their roles to ensure they can identify students in need and support them in the most appropriate way.

While the University does not have a single document that sets out the common law duty of care, it does provide several resources that describe the extensive support that is available to students, for example, please see the
following links on our website:



Stephen Dowell
Data Protection and Compliance Officer
University of Winchester

show quoted sections

Dear Stephen Dowell,
Thank you for your response to my request regarding Common Law Duty of Care owed to students at your establishment.
Please can you confirm that you do not have any guidance specifically and solely on the Common Law duty of Care owed to students?
Do you have documentation relating to the common law duty of care owed to enrolled students by staff including but exclusive to;
Examination process
Dismissal mechanisms
Complaint procedures
Hall wardens and/or security provisions
Personal tutor support
Disability services
Wellbeing and counselling
Financial support advice
Sexual misconduct
Thank you

Yours sincerely,

Maxine Carrick

Stephen Dowell, University of Winchester

Monday 21st August - Friday 1st September    

Thank you for your email.

I am now on leave and will be back in the office on Monday 4th September.

Please forward urgent GDPR and FOI queries to
[email address]

and urgent governor queries to [email address]      

Thank you for your patience.




Stephen Dowell
Clerk to the Board of Governors and Data Protection and  Compliance
University of Winchester
SO22 4NR

Our privacy policy is [1]here.
University of Winchester, a private charitable company limited by
guarantee in England and Wales number 5969256.
Registered Office: Sparkford Road, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4NR


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