College Kitchen Charges

The request was successful.

Dear All Souls College, Oxford,

Please could you provide information on the following:

1. Whether or not the college levy a compulsory 'kitchen charge' or known otherwise.

2. If the answer to the above is Yes, what is the termly cost of such charge to students staying in college and those staying out of college.

3. If the answer to 1. is Yes, whether any unspent credit is refundable or not to the student.

Yours faithfully,
James Kent

Anne-Laure Guillermain, All Souls College, Oxford

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Kent,

Please find attached the reply to your FOI request.

Yours sincerely,




Anne-Laure Guillermain   [1]cid:image003.jpg@01D61D68.B527FF70Registered
Domestic Bursars’ Secretary – charity no. 1138057

HR & Immigration Officer
All Souls College

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